USJ Incident (2)

Chapter 67: USJ Incident (2)

I ignored the students' mutterings and looked down on the purple warp gate, instead.

There, two barely different looking Nomus walked out of the warp gate. One of them had pitch dark skin and a beak-like mouth, and the other had dark-grey skin and a flat-jawed mouth.

They looked upsetting, but the truly scary thing was their tiers.

I knew the USJ Nomu would be strong based on All Might being Tier 6, and I was right, but I wasn't expecting there would be two of them… Moreover, based on what Thirteen muttered to Aizawa, All Might wouldn't be able to come here anytime soon.

At first I planned to finish the Nomu before All Might could even come so that I can get exp, but this… I might actually need a bit of help.

I rubbed my nose while the students were asking what kind of dumb villains would attack UA. They were throwing words at each other, while Thirteen tried to calm them down.

...I guess it's time to do what a gamer must do. 


I slipped my hands inside my pockets, but in reality, my hands went inside my inventory as I took out a ring.

[Ring of Invisibility (undead only):

Description: you are invisible to the eyes of all undead as long as you're wearing the ring. 

The effect lasts for 30 minutes before it needs to recharge itself for 24h.]

Remember this item from the dungeon in Mount Fuji? From what I know, Nomus are basically undead. So I am going to try this on. Though I doubt it'd be as easy as that, even considering it works on the beasts, since one of the Nomus lacks eyes, to begin with, he'd probably use his other senses to detect me. 

Ugh, and the second might be the same, eyes might not even matter to these guys.

I looked down to the down floor where the small human-sized portal had spread like a cloud of thin smoke. People were coming out of the smoke as if they were hiding there all along.

Right then, something flashed in my retina. A quest.

[Quest has been generated:

While going out to do rescue training, you come across the eerie League of Villains who are trying to kill you, your girlfriend, and your classmates. 

Objective: Survive with your girlfriend.

Bonus Objective 1: Defeat the 2 Nomus.

Bonus Objective 2: Let Shigaraki flee without being obvious, thus giving him a chance to grow and ensure at least 10x more XP for your future self.

Reward: Tier Potion, Quirk XP Card, Health Potion 3x, 1 billion Xp!

Bonus Reward 1: Tier Potion, Respect from most students and teachers, Aizawa's favouritism, 1 billion Xp!

Bonus Reward 2: Tier Potion, Random skill ticket x1, 1 billion Xp!

Failure: Everyone, along with you, dies in the hands of the Nomus.]

Hah… this is a great one. But do I really let Shigaraki go?


While Neji made his decision and pulled up his hoodie, Aizawa wore his special goggles and turned to the students.

"Kaminari, try using your quirk to signal for help. Since the Intruder Sensors are jammed, the phones shouldn't work either, must be the work of one of those down below."

Kaminari stuttered in confirmation.

Wrapping the special white cloth in his neck, Aizawa hopped on the railing, his face stern.

"I will take care of them until backup arrives."

"S-sensei, will you alone be okay?"

Itsuka Kendo asked, and Aizawa gave a small smile. "Don't underestimate a UA Teacher."

Then he kicked the railing, dashing downwards to the numbers of villains. The Nomus were on standby, Shigaraki Tomura, the man child, had yet to introduce the creatures to everyone, without doing that, he couldn't possibly start using them. That's not fun, is it?

"Hey, which Hero is that?!"

One of the Villains yelled, glaring at Aizawa.

"Dunno, but he's coming right at us."

"So a dead fool!"

They prepared their respective weapons and quirks and tried to clash with Aizawa, however… in an instant, as Aizawa flashed by the three of them, they were tied in his cloth like mummies.

Neji observed the fight from the above floor. He first needed to ensure Momo's safety, and only then engage in combat. At first, he wanted to show off a little, stopping Aizawa from jumping down and acting like a Hero, but this? This wasn't time for showing off, the quest's main objective was… survivability.

Ida yelled from beside Neji.

"There is time for analysis, hurry up and evacuate!"

He turned to the door.


However, before he could pass the door, the surroundings got painted in purple as purple mist surrounded the students.


Everyone heard the yelp of Midoriya, as they turned back, but they could only see Izuku simply shopping down on the floor after a chop had fallen on his neck.


Some students yelled while from behind Izuku's body, a hazy figure wearing a silver collar walked out with his golden shining eyes. 

"Greetings, we are the League of Villains."

The students stopped dead in their tracts.


First, Neji looked at the Purple man with Observe.

His name was coming up as Kurogiri, and not his actual name, which confused Neji a bit.

He then moved his gaze down to Midoriya's unconscious body and clicked his tongue. 

With his turned on, he could see Izuku's ghost getting up from his unconscious body, grinning at the mist,  Kurogiri, like a madman.

The grin wasn't like looking at an enemy, no, it was like complimenting your comrade with a 'Good Job!'. 

Midoriya was with these villains. Neji guessed that much based on his multiple quirks.

"Forgive our audacity, but today we have come to UA – to end the life of the Symbol Of Peace." Kurogiri trailed casually. "We were under the impression that All Might would be here today but it seems he is not."

After a second of silence, he continued. "Well, matters not, my role remains unchanged."

His role was to scatter the students, keep the passersby busy. 

He widened his ethereal arms wide, mist tightening around the crowd, however at the last moment, wind stirred as the smoke vanished.

"Not as long as I am here!"

Inasa shouted in a voice of confidence, his wind playing around his body.

Kurogiri hummed. "Students you all may be, but you are the best of the best, I forgot that."

In the next instant, mist burst out of him at a speed that nobody could react to, nobody except for someone. 

In an instant, everyone was swept away, the crowd empty, except for the boy wearing white.

"A job well done."

Kurogiri muttered, staring at the air, only the unconscious body of Izuku being in his line of sight. The boy's unconscious body is better being here than sending it to a disaster centre because the boy had a big role to play today.

All the while, there was another person who should have been in his line of sight, but Kurogiri couldn't see.

Neji was standing right in front of him, right under his nose, but he couldn't see him at all.

Kurogiri was a Nomu, Neji knew that much from the manga. All of this proved one thing, the ring was… working. 


Aizawa's elbow was grabbed by Shigaraki who hissed.

"Don't overdo it, Eraserhead."

After a brief shock, Aizawa glared at him with red eyes, immediately causing Shigaraki to jump backwards.

Shigaraki growled in an annoyed voice. 

"Seventeen seconds. Every seventeen seconds, your hair falls in front of your eyes… that's when your Quirk doesn't work. Did you really have to grow your hair so long?"

Aizawa grumbled as Shigaraki continued.

"Your max duration of long you can keep your eyes open is also getting shorter and shorter, Eraserhead."

Aizawa didn't get a chance to attack Shigaraki because a villain came from his left, who he dodged, but another jumped on his back with a knife as it dug deep into his flesh, causing him to yell in sheer pain.

With a swift twist of his waist, Aizawa kicked the villain away from his back and wrapped him in his cloth. 

Observing, Shigaraki scratched his neck  "Your quirk… it's not well suited for group battles, you usually do secret operations, yeah? Yet you jumped in in this fight, hoping to make the kids feel safe. Hah, such a great hero you are."

A sneer left Shigaraki's lips. "By the way, hero..."

As Aizawa dodged another villain, a black muscular hand even double the size of All Might abruptly appeared above Aizawa.

"I am not the strongest here."

A punch fell on Aizawa's face, even as though he tried to block the quirk of the dark-skinned creature with a beak-like mouth. However, upon the punch landed on him, he was left with a broken hand.



Midoriya's ghost stared at me from in front, frowning. He turned to Kurogiri in confusion, who acted as if I wasn't in front of him at all.

I heard Izuku click his tongue, oh, he can make sound in that form?


Then a yell came from far down below, Aizawa was getting trashed by one of the Nomus, it seems. 

I should intervene right now, and end this all as soon as possible. 2 minutes have passed since I wore the ring, so 28 more minutes left.

Locking my eyes at Kurogiri's neckband, I blasted my feet, my left leg then crashed to his neck and threw him crashing into the wall in a groan of confused pain. 

The smoke around him flickered, as a dark-skinned body, just like the Nomus', appeared from under it. Smoke was still flaring in his face though.

I glanced at Izuku's unconscious body for a second before kicking away down below. I don't know what Izuku plans, exactly, but whatever it is, I gotta stay cautious.

Mid-air, I grabbed my detached spears from my side pockets, then clanked them together, forming a proper one.

[Nigonho, Nobunaga's Spear has been equipped!]

I hope Momo will be alright. It's better for her to be sent to a disaster spot where there are only normal thugs as villains instead of staying behind to fight the Nomus, that's why I didn't finish Kurogiri from the get-go.

While descending from the sky at a shocking speed, I raised my spear in the air with one of my hands in a towering position, before swinging it downwards, but instead of my actual spearing dashing forward, a slick sharp gleaming blue spear energy left my hand.

[The item bound skill is being used!] 

The beak-mouthed Nomu who was sitting on top of Aizawa's body, holding one of Aizawa's broken arms, turned to the sky abruptly just as my spear reached him at a blinding speed and penetrated his brain, scattering brain matter on the floor in an instant.

2000 DMG!

This would be hard, I realised that the exact moment his brain started to heal visibly.


