Stupid (2)

Chapter 71: Stupid (2)

Walking behind Aizawa, Neji glanced at the man's back with a calculating gaze.

'Aizawa's Favouritism'. That's what he got from the reward, but what's this? Aizawa not only didn't seem to favour him but in fact felt… more distant.

Though he could guess why. He was supposed to get his favouritism, which he did, however, at the same time, he also got Aizawa's disapproval when he killed the villains, even if indirectly. So did the two cancel each other out? Most likely, but there is a chance that the disapproval is now winning the fight. That much Neji could tell from Aizawa's indifferent expression.

Neji didn't know what to make out of this. Walking towards the Principal's office, he was still planning on how to escape the police, and what he should do after that.

Become a villain? That's the best possible path left in a situation where Police would be after him. Honestly, it wasn't that bad of a deal either. He would certainly miss his family, his harem, but he would have Kurai with him. In the end, he would be able to grow much stronger by killing actual people, as much as he was uncomfortable with it. He got 5 billion exp from Muscular, and 3 billion from this quest, after all.

Moreover, 'sudden quests' give more XP than these 'story quests', basically the ones that happened in Canon. In that case, by running around by himself, he would gain more XP in a short period. It all didn't seem that bad of a plan...

"We are here."

Aizawa's voice brought him back to the door in front of him. Nejire wasn't with him, he was only here with Aizawa, and from his he could tell that Nezu was alone. It won't be hard to escape from here, even if Aizawa cancelled his quirk.

The door opened by themselves sensing the two presence and Aizawa stepped inside.

"We are here, Principal."

Neji stepped behind him and saw the overgrown mouse from his Welcome Letter jump down from his office table.

"Ah. Please, come in, Aizawa-san and Neji-kun."

It was rare to use honorifics nowadays, but the mouse still used them. Aizawa simply walked in without any sound and Neji followed after a nod. He might have fucked up, but it didn't hurt to be civil.

Nezu, the mouse, jumped in on the couch and motioned the other two to sit on the other side.

"It's a pleasure to have you here, Neji-kun."

Neji sat down. "The pleasure is mine, though I would have appreciated if this meeting were to be held at a later time."

Nezu sighed softly. "Yes indeed, you just fought with your life on the line, I understand, but this is important enough for me to call you here right now."

Nezu took out a small box and presented it in front of Neji and Aizawa, who was sitting beside Neji.

The lid opened and showed three small bottles laid inside. Two of them were broken, it was just pieces of glass, but one was intact, though all of them were empty.

The Health Potion bottles.

"Do you recognise them?"

Neji frowned at this. Why did this feel like an interrogation?


"Do you recognise them?"

Do I? Of course. Do I be honest with them? Well, Aizawa already saw me drinking them, so there is no reason to hide the fact.

"I do, those are my potions."

"Oh," Nezu blinked as if he didn't expect me to be straightforward. "That saves time. Now, since you know about them, you should also know about their healing effect right?"

I nodded. "That's right. I used them on myself after all."

Nezu smiled. "Neji-kun, do you care sharing where you got them from, then? Ah, to be clear, only I and Aizawa-san know of this, along with some students, yeah, but this hasn't been notified to the authorities, and I hope we won't need to do it either."


That was a subtle threat. However, it's not as if I don't have a backup plan for this situation. I knew one day or another I would be caught using the potions, so not planning for them would have been silly.

But… normally, I would have negotiated for this info. I would have asked him for an equal benefit. But now, I am on the losing side. I am already in the wrong for killing actual people, for breaking the law, so I guess I have to compile.

...I hate being on the losing end.

"Sure, I guess such great potions would help the Hero Society tremendously." Nezu nodded at my words. "Go to this website I am telling you to…"

I watched as Nezu typed the site on his tablet, and from his widening eyes, I knew my plan was working.


Looking at the screen, Nezu couldn't help but hum in awe.

It was an online store, but it wasn't normal. There were multiple potions, green, red, purple, blue, all colours had a potion of their own. Sliding his finger on the screen, Nezu read the names of the potions with wide eyes.

"Health Potion"

"Stamina Potion"

"Magic Potion"

"Fire Potion: Boosts Fire Type Attacks"

"Water Potion: Boosts…"

"Lightning Potion: Boosts…"

Reading further, Nezu almost thought this was a store for some games. Discarding that thought, he speculated it was a shop for Quirk Enhancements drugs. Neji did get a sudden powerup mid battle. But he soon discarded the idea. If Neji used such a drug, he wouldn't be standing here right now.

He kept scrolling down and came across the comments section. His eyes widened as he confirmed that all this was… legit.

People were commenting on the authenticity of the product, and not only once, but many times a guy replied on his own comment days later, his comments praising the potions.

It could be faked, coded, but where else would Neji get the potions then?

His enhanced brain could think many more possibilities, but none of them should be possible for a high schooler, more so a high schooler with an overprotective mother who he was personally familiar with.

Meaning; all this was real. But how? Why did the association not notice until now? No, why wasn't this website the talk of the world??

Nezu got the answer to that question when he decided to Cart an HP Potion and click order. In an instant… the entire site crashed, his tablet turned off and died.



I barely held back a smile seeing Nezu's energetic face crumbling down to dust. Hah, look at him.

"Neji-kun." He raised his face to me. "It seems the website crashed. Have you experienced similar situations?"

I nodded, keeping the most indifferent face possible.

"It happened to me as well, at least on the first few days. But from the comments, you can verify that the site is 100% legit." It's not. Not at all. "I know it works only sometimes, maybe a certain time of the day, or month, or even years. I don't know, but I can confirm it works." I pointed at my own body. "My healed body should be enough proof of that."

Nezu frowned. He seemed sceptical. But I can guess what he was thinking. He was thinking, 'Ah, now it makes sense why nobody talks about this site. Because even if people spread about the site, when tried by someone else, it only crashes.' Right? Right?

I wanted to laugh right now seeing his small mouse-like face distorting into confusion. Even the smartest person can be tricked if you are prepared for it.

[+5 INT for playing one of the smartest beings on the planet.]

I was a little shocked at the five points, but eh, INT is pretty much useless to me. It just lets me do maths faster and memorise things better… oh and also have a better memory, and imagine and process things better, for example when using my .

Eh, maybe not that useless.

The mouse sighed, his face sad as if someone stole his cheese. Shaking his head, he composed himself.

"Thank you for sharing it with us. If you have any extra health potion, we would like to… borrow it for a while."

I shook my head softly. "I don't."

He started at me for a few seconds, observing my expression, and sighed again. "Then, let's move on from here. I would ask the Association to research on this site later on."

This site was made by Kimi. I didn't bother learning coding since Kimi knew it already. Kimi's dead older sister was a computer engineer, so to keep her memories fresh, Kimi had learnt to code and made the site for me. It would crash every time someone tries to order something, and the comments were faked easily. I have to notify her quickly to close the site before the Association tracks her. She isn't good enough to keep the site safe against actual pros, more so dozens of them.

I nodded. "Sure."

"Then, let's talk about something else. I heard you have a cat? Ah, a black cat to be precise."

I blinked. "Yes, why?"

Where was he going with this?

Also, why isn't he asking about the villains I killed?

Looking at Aizawa's frown, I could guess he also had the same question as me.

The Mouse's brows had risen on my answer, the look of realization so clear in his face that I could tell it even from his animal-like facial features.

Huh, am I missing something?


