390: Reality Bends for the… Good? (1)

Chapter 390: Reality Bends for the… Good? (1)

Neji doubted anybody sensed his actions outside the Dome, but he left the vicinity anyway just to be sure. He was likely the strongest in this verse currently, so even if some God locked their attention on him it shouldn't be an issue for him, yet he decided not to draw unwanted attention anyway.

Instead, he wrapped Sisty, Asia, and the newly purified Raynare in threads of mana and slipped out of existence. All of them reappeared back in his hotel room.

Not entering the room directly may cause a bit of a problem, as the receptionist at the front of the hotel kept track, nothing a small Genjutsu burst couldn't fix. The same went for the CCTV cameras at the entrance, he could just give it a glare tomorrow and it too would forget. It was technology, sure, but he was a God. If divinity couldn't manipulate mere machines, then it would be shameful.

"My Lord?"

Raynare was still bowing to his shoe, but he gestured her finger upwards in the air, a force of kinetic energy moving her up, as she called slowly. She looked around, her eyes blinking, before she looked back at him.

"My lord, why are we in a hotel? No, why haven't you returned to heaven? Ah, maybe you have, and it's not public news yet. But where are the other angels, where is Michael? Gabriel?"

"I haven't revealed myself to the world as of yet,"

Neji slumped on the bed, looking up at the ceiling, as he rested his body. Raynare was about to ask what he meant, but he opened his mouth before that.

"I am the reincarnation of God; you may say I am not the same exact being. At least, not yet, because I am slowly inheriting my old powers, authorities, and memories back. But as you can guess, as of right now not all angels would trust me."

Neji mentioned memories, and that was not a lie, it was a new finding. He suddenly had bits of GOD's memories after reaching 1% in the synchronization bar. Namely, they were related to Raynare, along with the bits of memories from when God had created Twilight Healing, that Asia currently had.

Neji knew a lot about Raynare now; surely, it was very sudden, but he was more than used to it by now.

To Raynare, a God reincarnating wasn't exactly unheard of. A famous God, Vishnu, would often reincarnate himself in the form of human avatars throughout history. But it was self-assigned. No God could just die and then come back, at least not the Biblical God for sure.

"I trust you."

Raynare would have bowed again if Neji wasn't holding her still with his telekinesis. She sounded genuine, and why wouldn't she?

To begin with, a "Fallen" was an Angel who had been disowned by God. They didn't disown him, they fought in his name till their end, killing devils and evils alike. So if God called a Fallen back, they would not think twice, and they wouldn't be prideful to reject, that wasn't in their nature. Therefore, when Raynare received the chance to be his first Angel, the first to trust him, she was not going to let the chance slide.

It was such an honor to be his first child when nobody else trusted him.

…Raynare's head turned to look at Asia. Right.

Well, maybe not the "first child", but the first angel for sure. She loved it.

"I know you do," Neji replied, tilting his head to look at her with a soft expression; he didn't smile though. "I'm glad you do."

One other thing Raynare loved was how handsome he looked. God before looked hot too, but she couldn't feel any attraction to him. She physically was unable to feel such emotion towards him. However, now, towards this newly reformed deity, she felt a lot of attraction. Luckily, her pure delight to see him alive was a lot stronger than her attraction, plus now that she wasn't a Fallen anymore that attraction was just merely that; it was not Lust.

"You fell due to lust, hmm?"

Her God suddenly said, making her flinch. He could feel her emotions, maybe he could even read her thoughts. He said he didn't have all his powers, but she didn't know how limited he was — had he felt her dirty feelings towards him, not minutes after he had purified her?

Raynare paled. Her blood went cold like a vampire, and her forehead chilled. If she was still a Fallen, she would have pissed her pants; luckily things like peeing were not required for an Angel.

"I- m-my lord, I-"

"It's all right."

To Raynare's panicking senses, his voice was soothing, until he laughed softly. It was her first time seeing him show any signs of joy; she knew it was joy, not sarcasm, due to her belief.

"I told you. I am a reincarnation. The fact that you feel Lust at all, even as an angel, is probably thanks to my current nature. In recent times, I enjoyed the female company, uh, maybe a bit too much. Perhaps it shows in my angels too."

Raynare was stunned. Looking back, was he not holding the white-haired girl on his lap earlier in the park?

Speaking of, who the hell was that girl? She looked eerily like her God…

"That is Sisty. I gave my subconsciousness a physical form, and that's her."

Raynare snapped her head at Sisty. Didn't that mean she was God as well?! Raynare was just about to bow again, but she still couldn't move.

"Back to the topic," Neji said. "Don't be ashamed of your Lust. I have lived a while as a mortal, before realizing my true identity, and this life has influenced me quite a bit. So I have decided to change a few things in the religion, at least for those whom I deem worthy of this VIP experience. You, sweetheart,"

Instead of continuing his speech, Neji shot a look to Sisty, who shrugged and nodded. She grabbed Asia, who was still confused and a lot more interested in the next events, and left the room. Now, Neji and Raynare were all alone.

Neji up from the bed, approaching the angel. The angel shuddered at his closure just as his hand gently wrapped around her waist.

"You can be lustful without any consequences."

"M-my lord…"

Raynare didn't resist his touch, of course, she simply stared ahead in disbelief. Neji just smiled and gave her waist a squeeze.

"I am not going to do anything today. I am just making it clear what I mean."

Neji leaned over, his lips nearly touching hers, but not quite. His nose touched her though, and Neji sensed that alone made the angel climax once. Perhaps their divine connection had some quirky side effects.

Neji gently pushed her away. He really was not in the mood in this world, otherwise he was sure this would have ended in the bed.

'How ironic.' Neji recalled when he had told Lady Luck that he feared the most losing control in the DxD worldline.

Raynare, away from him, fell to her knees. She didn't do it willingly, her legs just gave in, and she realized the liquid under her.

Slowly, she looked at her wings, and her expression relaxed. She felt… free. To remain an angel after wetting herself, by the touch of her creator, no less.

Raynare suddenly realized how much she liked her Creator like this. If he had been like this from the start… so many things wouldn't have gone wrong.

Plus, it felt soo good just from their nose touching. She could only dream of what it would feel like if things got more… serious.

As he walked away, his large back leaving through the door, Raynare didn't hold back her craving for him anymore.

* * *

Neji was lustful; he was sure he had more lust than a lot of the devils. Though he wouldn't call himself the embodiment of Lust, he was somewhat in control… he believed.

Regardless, he felt no such Lust as before, though he was certain it would return one day. When it would happen, it would be bothersome to have these Angels think he had become "corrupted" – so he was establishing this new rule from the beginning.

In his new religion, lust was fine. Moreover, lust towards him.

"By the way, where do we sleep?" it was Sisty who asked, bringing him out of his head.

Looking around, the group of two had multiplied to four in just a day. Sisty could go back to his head if he asked her to, and then he could share the bed with Asia as a body pillow, while Raynare could sleep on the couch… since there was only one bed. However, that felt cheap – greatly so.

Neji was the King of Heroes, a Young Master, the God of Naruto World, how could he not afford a bed?!

"Well, I do have beds in my Gate… but…"

There were magical beds, for sex and such, but there were normal beds too. The problem was that there was no spare space here. Neji knew about the existence of magic spells that could help expand a house, but he had none of those. Speaking of, most of his magic was fighting spells.

"Hey, if it's about expanding the area, then-"

"I know, I know, I thought the same thing."

Neji cut Sisty off when she tried to suggest an idea. He already had the idea himself. It was an easy solution for this – if it worked.


Neji still distinctly remembered how Sisty and Quetzalcoatl had fought in his castle and destroyed it, and he regretted not having Overhaul to fix it in an instant. Guess what, now he did – thanks to Nawab offering him a bundle of her quirks.

Still, to its core, Overhaul was a matter-manipulation power – it could not create out of nothingness. However, that is where his 1% progress in the God Sync bar came to play. It was a very low percentage, and the System had distinctly clarified that only in every 10% increase would he notice a great increase in powers, he still could put this to use.

"Divinity – Overhaul."

Neji focused on the new aspect of his Divinity, the "Creation" aspect, on the quirk Overhaul, and watched as he touched the wall and the entire room expanded. His intention was clear, the inside of this place will be huge, while from the outside the room will look as usual.

Surely, it worked as he intended. It just took a few seconds, until it was large. There were just two extra new rooms, not much of a change – but alone increased his arsenal by a lot.

"My Lord, why not a mansion?"

"I am playing a teacher, so I can't be seen owning a mansion. Unless you have one on your name that we can use."

"I don't…" Raynare hummed. "However, I can manage one tomorrow. Ah, without any deaths of course."


"By the way, Master, I will be sleeping with you. The extra rooms don't matter."

"No. I might lose control if it's you."


Instead of appearing hurt that he wouldn't let him sleep, Sisty blushed slightly. It was rare for her to blush since her personality was quite bold, so it was cute to see her that way. She just nodded, shaking her head off the blush, and headed to her room.

Raynare didn't have the guts to ask him to share a bed together after seeing Sisty being rejected. Only Asia was picked up by his arms as he abducted her to his room, using her as a body pillow just like last night.

* * *

The next day, Neji woke up. He didn't need sleep, but he slept for two hours anyway, just to pass the time. He got up, freshened himself, and started to get ready for school.

Asia woke up not long after, as did the other girls. They got freshened too, and by the time Neji finished cooking, they were ready, sitting at the dining table.

"My lord, forgive my insolence for asking, but why a teacher?"

Raynare couldn't help but be bewildered by his nerdy look, very contrary to last night. In response, Neji paused on his spot. He was walking to the table with bowls flying behind him, but he paused as she stared at Raynare.

Raynare shivered, questioning herself if she had committed heresy, but Neji then looked at Asia too. Namely, he was looking at the text hovering over their heads.

[Asia Argento – Low Tier 2]

[Raynare – Angel – Low Tier 10]


Was he tripping, or did both of their Tiers multiply?

He could understand Raynare, probably because of regaining her purity, but he didn't notice it last night. But for Asia, did being a God's body pillow made you stronger?

Ultimately, Neji realized he was not the reason for this change. At least, not directly. When he went to Kuoh, with Raynare having left to find a mansion and Sisty and Asia coming along with him today, Neji realized something was wrong.

Something beyond his control had gone wrong.

[Sona Sitri – Devil – High Tier 16]

The Student Council President waiting at the school's entrance was also stronger now. A double-in-tier was no joke. Neji had a feeling they weren't the only ones.

If the big players, who were already close to Tier 30 received this buff too… perhaps Neji would be having a harder time than what he had initially planned.

His only question was – HOW?




Master4thWall: Neji finally finds himself in a world without a Nerf – now, the world itself is countering it by buffing its inhabitants. How petty of the world, right?

[0] Don't forget to sacrefice 200 powerstones in Neji's name in the nest 24h, for an extra chapter tommorow!

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