Steve then squeezed his head, he too stood up and realized what he was doing. But his heart hurt a little to see his sister-in-law crying.

Meanwhile Sonia went into a room on the first floor, the room next door to Steve's! He patted her cheek and realized what had happened.

"What the hell, how can I not refuse when Sis Steve pressed his lips to mine!" Sonia grabbed her own hair.

Steve entered his room, holding his still wet lips. "I kissed a girl, this is not wrong at all but what is wrong is that she is my sister's wife," Steve was no less stressed and sorry.

He was ready to be hit by Edward if Sonia talked about this incident, maybe she would be forced to stay in the apartment if Edward kicked her out.

The morning passed, Edward came down and had breakfast without greeting Sonia who had sat down first at the dining table.

Steve just followed, his face red, he was very ashamed of Sonia for last night's events. "Want some peanut butter?" Sonia asked Edward, but the husband didn't answer.

Sonia gave the jam to Edward but the knife he used to spread the bread hit Sonia's wrist because Edward tried to refuse the peanut butter that Sonia gave.

Blood splattered on the dining table, Sonia's hands went limp and she screamed trying to hold back more blood.

Edward was worried but his egotism was too high. Steve ran and tore off the table cover to stop the bleeding.

"Call Doctor Jack, hurry!" Steve shouted at the housekeeper. While he was trying to tie Sonia's wrist. Edward saw his wife's face in pain, but he didn't want to act.

"Steve please get Doctor Jack to treat him well, I have a meeting!" Edward got up from his seat and went to drive the car.

The pain in Sonia's heart was more terrifying than the wound on her wrist. "Let's sit over there and put his hands up to stop the bleeding," Steve led Sonia to the living room chair and put her to sleep.

Doctor Jack arrives and treats Sonia's wound, the girl is given a support for her hand. Sonia looked pale from losing quite a lot of blood. All day he looked troubled because of the extreme pain in his hand.

The girl's clothes were cut because there was already a lot of blood stains. Sonia chose to sleep on the first floor next to Steve's room.

He sat at the end of the bed in a tank top and felt uncomfortable. Steve also went in and out of the room to check on Sonia.

He even thought that maybe Sonia had a big fight for telling Edward what happened last night. "Sis, can I ask you a favor?" Sonia called Steve who delivered the food to Sonia's room.

"What?" Steve approached the seated Sonia.

"I want to wear a super big shirt, there is my shirt in the closet, can you help me! Tight clothes make it difficult for me to move," because his hands must be supported and have limited movement.

Steve nodded, he helped Sonia enter one hand after another carefully for fear of the girl in pain.

Even though in the Netherlands and New York there are lots of sexy women, not even infrequently showing their cleavage and thighs. Sonia's appearance in front of her own eyes made Steve excited, as a normal man he felt another urge inside of him.

Sonia's peach shape, which is not too big, is perfect with her curves in the tank top that clings to the girl's skin.

Steve tried to focus but the sight he saw quite often several times. "Thank you, Sis," Sonia whispered after successfully wearing a super large t-shirt.

Then lay down on the bed, and Steve covered Sonia's slender legs in hotpants. "Call me if you need anything, I'll sit in the living room!" Sonia nodded and tried to fall asleep after taking the medicine that made her a little sleepy.

Before going to sleep he remembered what happened last night about Steve kissing him. It made him realize again, why he was so relaxed when he hadn't straightened out about it.

However, the effect of the medicine he took was strong enough to make him fall asleep. One day, one week, now a month has passed. Edward has silenced his wife, this is not about being jealous of Jimmy for a long time but every time he sees Sonia, he feels a lot of pain because he can't be perfect as a husband.

Even though Sonia was sleeping on the first floor, he would still see Sonia in the middle of the night if he knew she was definitely asleep, just to make sure she got a good night's sleep.

Unbeknownst to Sonia, her husband was still watching her in silence. Today Sonia wants to go to the obstetrician to check her uterus again, she is not discouraged even though her household condition is not fine.

He brushed lipstick on his beautiful lips as a final polish, as soon as Edward came out Edward coincided with Sonia who he thought was still sleeping.

"Where are you going?" she asked after a month of not saying hello, hearing her husband greet Sonia was very happy.

"To the doctor, I want to check my hands because they are getting better and at the same time want to..."

"Yes, I'll take it!" interrupted Edward, though Sonia hadn't finished her sentence yet.

But he immediately nodded with pleasure, in the car Edward saw his wife's wrist which had black marks from the wound he had made. "Does it still hurt?" Sonia saw Edward's eyes that went to his hands, "Ah this? no!" he answered.

"Sorry, I kept you quiet for too long" "I get it but I really don't play with fire Jimmy you know very well he's like a little brother to me" Sonia held her husband's hand, Edward whose heart was pounding stepped on the brakes of his car, and immediately hugged Sonia!

He missed his wife so much and felt very guilty. "Honey, be patient we will definitely have a baby I will make it happen," Sonia burst into tears and patted her husband's back, then kissed his cheek.

"Of course, I will be patient for a child who looks like you," Sonia whispered. Edward then released his embrace and kissed Sonia's forehead, they continued their journey to the hospital.

Arriving at the hospital Edward ushered his wife inside and he was pleased that her wrist was completely healed.

After leaving the room Sonia walked to an elevator and pressed the up button, "Where are you going?" Edward asked, thinking his business at the hospital was over.

"This is my schedule for checking the content!" answered Sonia. Edward widened his eyes, but continued to follow in his wife's footsteps.

They arrived in front of the SpOG Doctor's room and went straight in because they had a reservation.

The doctor put Sonia to sleep, and put a cold cream on her flat stomach, she did an ultrasound.