Steve who heard someone calling him immediately removed his lips from Sonia's lips. He immediately turned to the source of the voice.

"Katrine!" he said depending.

"Did you guys just kiss?" he said as he raised his hand to point at Sonia then held his pursed lips.

Sonia just stared at the girl, she was now trembling slightly in fear. Steve is like that.

He stepped closer to Kayrine, who was silent for a moment, maybe the girl was surprised or something, she didn't speak at all.

"I'll explain this, let's get out of here!" Steve explained.

They came out of the toilet, Sonia followed behind while holding her stomach. In the center of the hall there must have been Sarah, but suddenly Katrine spoke.

"Sarah, please reserve a place to eat at the restaurant in front for us! You go there first, we'll follow," Kayrine ordered to her assistant.

Sarah went as Katrine said.

Now only the three of them were left, although it was stiff Steve finally opened the conversation first.

"Katrine, I told you I didn't want this marriage but the code I gave you never responded to!" Steve explained.

"We never talk, code? Do I have to decipher your silent codes?" asked Katrine.

"Yeah, you should have realized that anyway you're a multitalented woman why expect a guy who isn't interested in you?"

"Is the answer I have to interpret is this? You kissed your pregnant sister-in-law?"

Steve fell silent. He was also confused about explaining to Katrine that what he saw was indeed the truth.

"I really want to cancel this wedding!" Steve answered with an answer unrelated to Katrine's question.

"You are more interested in your sister-in-law?"

"I beg you to understand, let's make it easier before things get going,"

"Who do you think will have the most to lose? I might only answer modestly about the annulment of the marriage if the reporters ask, but do you know the repercussions? The company's stock, your disgusting relationship, and even your brotherhood will be torn apart!" Katrine said, she didn't look cute at all when she said those words.

"What do you mean?" Steve clenched his fists holding back emotion at Katrine's words.

"Are you sure Edward knows about your affair?" Katrine asked, now folding her arms over her stomach.

Steve bit his lower lip, and Sonia nearly fell over from Katrine's barrage of questions.

Actually what the girl said was indeed the truth, but it was painful to be the listener.

"What do you want to do now, even revealing this secret will cost you!" Steve explained so that Katrine would understand if he only intended to talk about this in front of the media.

"I will still marry you, and I will close this mistake until here!"

"Do you still want to live with someone who doesn't love you?" Steve now spoke with a bit of annoyance.

"Are you talking about love now? Are there people who truly love in this world, even your love is not something that can be called that."

The atmosphere became stiff, everyone fell silent. Sonia just held her stomach which felt cramped from the shock of this.

"I don't want to talk about this anymore, I think we can keep this a secret and you're done with Sonia!" Katrine pointed at Steve's face giving emphasis too.

"I also don't want to prolong this matter, we can just stop talking about this!"

"Okay, we will forget this and you will marry me!" Katrine smirked

He then came out of the hall and immediately went to the restaurant he ordered to eat.

After the girl left, Sonia's legs seemed to go limp and Steve immediately held her up. They didn't go to the restaurant as planned, he just took Sonia to the car and gave her a bottle of water.

"Are you alright?" Steve asked, he was worried about Sonia without thinking about what Katrine would do after this.

Sonia took a deep breath, "I'm fine, what should I do now what if Katrine talks to Edward?" The look of fear was very evident on Sonia's face now.

"Are you worried about that?"

Sonia turned to Steve "Aren't you worried, Edward will probably feel the pain many times over, being betrayed by his wife and this affair plus the truth that the man is his own brother might be like a heavy blow to Edward.

" Steve was silent, Sonia's words had a point.

"Let's just go home, I don't want to be here anymore I'm so scared now Katrine will do something to us!"

Steve started to drive his car Sonia's words were very true it really bothered him.

Katrine met Sarah who was already seated at the reservation table she had reserved for the four of them. Seeing Katrine come alone Sarah began to wonder finally the words came out of her mouth. "Why come alone? Where are the others," he asked.

The beautiful actress just shrugged and sat in front of him. "They're probably not in the mood to eat right now, so let's just order some food!" replied Katrine.

He waved and soon after that the butler came over to him. He was apparently very enthusiastic to see the beautiful actress and model in front of him.

"Miss Katrine, may I ask for your autograph before ordering?" he asked hesitantly, he was also a little panicked to manage his feelings because it was the first time seeing a famous actress.

Katrine graciously smiled, "Of course it would be my pleasure!" He took the paper the waiter gave him, after signing it he then asked for the menu and ordered.

The waiter immediately went to prepare.

"I thought you were in a bad mood, but you can still be professional with your fans!" said Sarah.

"Yeah right, I will continue like that in front of the public and the media!" Katrine said.

"Kat, did Steve... ah no!" Sarah's words were hanging and ambiguous.

"Why Steve?" asked Katrine curiously.

"Ah no!"

Not long after the waiter returned to give the dishes they ordered, Katrine was very enthusiastic and immediately ate it, making Sarah and her conversation end! Even though many questions were hanging in Sarah's head about Sonia's behavior in the hall, she chose to forget it.

One day passed, today Mr. Leonardo invited Sonia's parents, the nuclear family all to gather. They ate at the Leonardo family house of course.

"I'm so happy because Edward is going to have kids, Steve is getting married and Carine is in new York! then we can talk and eat together isn't it a wonderful life!" followed by a typical laugh.

Steve turned to Sonia a few times and Carine caught him off guard.

All the nuclear families finally raised their glasses to start their dinner. A maid came up to Mrs Leonardo and whispered something!

"Ah everyone, it looks like we have a special guest who will complete our family!"

Mrs. Leonardo told the maid to go and call the guest. And he came from the main door straight to the dining table.

"Katrine?" Steve opened his mouth in surprise.