"Take Stark to the side and hold him down, uncle," Orys commanded as his people followed the order. "The next order of business, some staggering new truths have come to light, some that may cause a ruckus throughout the realm."
The Lords all started to pay attention as Orys spoke with complete seriousness.
"Let's talk about the truth of my father's rebellion…"
Some lords were stunned while others were deeply confused. The truth?! What the hell does that mean? Does this mean that the war they fought to dethrone the dragons was based on a lie?! Were thousands of life lost for nothing?! But before they could voice out their thoughts, Orys began his tale.
"The story begins with a well-known tragedy in the history of our continent. In 259 AC, when King Aegon V, perished alongside his eldest son and commander of his Kingsguard, at the Castle of Summerhall where they attempted to use sorcery to bring back the dragons from stone. However, despite warnings from countless people, they still used wildfire in the ritual, and that led to their doom.
Amongst the burning of the castle and screams of the masses, a woman gave birth. This woman was Princess Rhaella Targaryen, and the babe, was Prince Rhaegar. We all know that King Jaehaerys II forced his children to marry each other, as he believed that the legend known as the Prince who was Promised shall be born out of his children's line. Prince Rhaegar shared his view and at a very young age he began immersing himself in prophecies and magic.
In some of the tomes that mention the prince who was promised, it is said he shall be born amidst salt and smoke, and with Prince Rhaegar having been born during the Summerhall Tragedy, he believed himself to be the prince.
Years later, due to some reasons, he began believing that his future child would be the prince. But alas, his second born child was a stillborn (A.N – I don't think adding Aegon in this reality would make sense cause if Aegon had died then Elia would have hated him. Plus, when I said Stark saved them from Clegane, I meant that they were saved from being murdered by him. Plus, I have made some changes to the prologue cause many people who were finding logic in fanfiction were getting annoyed by the fact that Elia, Rhaenys, Joanna and many other people were alive when they shouldn't have been).
A couple of years later, when the infamous Tourney of Harrenhall took place, you all might remember that a certain mystery knight participated, The Knight of the Laughing Tree (*Lords nod*). We have found out that the mystery knight who was accused of being an assassin by the King, was Lyanna Stark (*people gasp*). Only Rhaegar Targaryen knew her identity as the Knight of the Laughing Tree, and he was mesmerized by her, leading to him crowning her his Queen of Love and Beauty.
A year later when the news of her disappearance circulated, it caused Brandon Stark to foolishly believe that she had been kidnapped by Rhaegar and hence, the events to the rebeliion unfolded. But my lords, we have found out that that was not the case. It seems Lyanna Stark willingly went away with the foolish prince, which led to the rebellion," Orys dictated, before he paused and observed how the hall descended into chaos. Not a single Lord was left unsurprised and everyone present there began whispering furiously.
Though the ones who were in pain the most were obviously the Northerners. First, their liege lord had been labeled a traitor. Now they found out that the entire rebellion that led to countless deaths was caused due to the lady whose beauty and strength they respected so much.
"But my lords, unfortunately this is not the end," Orys continued after a much-needed pause. "It seems that Rhaegar left his lover with one final gift; a babe. A son to be specific, Jaehaerys Targaryen. I have found countless letters exchanged between Varys and the Targaryens, and all of them indicate one thing and one thing only; a war."
The hall was deathly silent now. But many Lords could be seen giving the Northerners death glares. After all, two traitors came from their house, right?
"What are your orders, your grace? How shall we prepare?" Stannis questioned as he gritted his teeth in nervousness. This was no small matter now. Many of the Lords shouted words of agreement as well.
"We can only wait, uncle. We cant send assassins after them as not only do they have Ser Arthur Dayne protecting them, but also, they have the hospitality of the leader of the Magisters of Pentos, Illyrio Mopatis. He has many famed warriors as his guards. From what Varys' letters mentioned, he is giving them an opportunity to make his daughter the Queen in exchange for gold and an army. His daughter, and Varys' niece, Rhaenrya Blackfyre, a female descended of the Blackfyres."
The Lords got another doze of a heart attack in that moment. But right now, most of them were feeling pity for the Young King. Not even a month into his reign and he was already being subjected to a grand war and traitors on many side.
Orys was about to adjourn this session of court and tell them to convene again on the next day when one of his men came running to his side from God knows where and handed him a letter with a new seal of a stag with a crown of flowers on his head. After reading the letter, Orys suddenly stood up and kicked the stone slab that acted as his foothold with so much power that completely broke down into pieces!
"Your Grace, what does it say, is everything well?" Tywin questioned as he was alarmed by his grandson losing his cool. That was not something that you saw every day.
"Uncle Stannis, call all our men back. It seems like we have another traitor to squash," Orys' voice boomed as he crumpled up the letter in his hands. "Renly Baratheon has declared himself King and marches towards the Crownlands, along with the might of the Reach."
Chaos erupted once again.