
" Miss Quinn the papers are done where should I put them and I am done for the day" said Xu Jing Mei her best friend also know as Jingjing.

Liz looked up from the computer and looked at the time she was shocked it was 7pm said "thank you I will check on it when I am done" when Jingjing was still there she looked up and asked " Jingjing don't you have something to do"

Jing looked at her friend and said " Elle you promised to take a break and have some fun so please stop what you are doing and come out with me to the club and if you don't like it

I promise not to force you to do anything just this ones as your friend I recommend that you take my advice and have some fun and stop being a workaholic"

when she was done her friend looked at her and said "okay if I don't go then you will be on my case forever give me an hour" Jing said " we will meet at 10 and be at Crawl Club Cicada"

Liz looked at the time and realized it was 8:58pm she started packing her things and left her office at 9:05pm.

When she reached the club she was wearing a short fitting dress that fit all the right places. She saw Jingjing and went to her and both of them went inside. As soon as she entered she was greeted by loud music and dancing.

She looked around the club as she tried her sight to dim light room, and notice everyone around her seem to be having so much fun even her friend who a minute ago was standing by her.

She looked ahead of her and took a deep breath when she caught sight of the bar somewhere to the left ahead of her, " You can do this Liz, you can get through the night just fine"

The music was too loud, but she tried to ignore it and went to sit on one of the bar stools. The bar tender asked" What can I get you" and she told him " A double martini would do. Thanks"

After the sixth drink she went to the dance floor and a certain set of strong hands grabbed her waist but she was not drunk, and she didn't mind.

She wanted to see his face so she turn around and she was shocked to see a handsome devil "_"