Bonus Chapter: The side of Chaos.

The Eight demon races!

Devils: The Goddess of Chaos's first children. The females of the devil race are born with one horn while the males are born with two. They are one of the strongest of the demon race. It was a devil that first united the eight races. They are proficient in fire and wind elements. Little else is known about their origins.

Vampear: Long ago, an unknown human ruler sacrificed an entire nation to the Goddess of Chaos. The ruler gave up their humanity in exchange for power, and their decedents became known as the vampear. The vampear crave blood and are weaker in sunlight but not by much. They are proficient in all the elements except fire.

Beast Men: They are said to be decedents of powerful beasts capable of taking human shape. Beastmen come in the form of humans and beasts. They have super strength and speed. But weren't that proficient in the elements?

The Arach: They are like beast-men except they are a half-human half spider. However, only a slim majority can take hybrid form. The rest are just giant spiders incapable of even speech. They say the Arach comes from a powerful spider that reached Godhood to serve the Goddess of Chaos. They are proficient in earth and wind elements but weak to fire. The Arach is one of the only races that allow women to rule.

Incubus/Succubus: A race of beings that feast on lust. The story goes that there once was a human that tried to seduce The Goddess of Chaos. The human succeeded in bedding the Goddess, but the act of laying with a goddess was too good. The man was cursed never to be sexually satisfied again. The curse of lust even carried over to his ancestor. Incubus are good at Water and wind elements.

Trolls: No one knows how they came to be. They didn't have a written history. They only recently established their tribe 1000 years ago after almost being hunted to extinction by humans. Scholars believe that they were created from the earth and Ki. Tall, muscular creatures with very low IQ but proficient in earth magic.

Goblin: Are mutation of the troll race, small green and yellow creatures with quick reflexes. Although smaller than their troll counterparts, they are much more intelligent, but not by much. They are proficient in earth and water magic.

Imps: were said to be created by the experiments breading goblins and some unknown beast. Goblins had the skill of breeding with any species. Although not as powerful as the other races, they make up for their strength with numbers. They specialize in creating elemental weapons. Even still, most are lower class. A lot of the servant class is made up of goblins and imps.