A New Predator Arrives


The howling continued, and the sun was starting to set. I decided to leave my spoils of war and retreat. The Jackals and I took off deeper in the woods. I was looking for a safe place for us to sleep. I knew that most of the predators come out at night. I didn't want to be around when they did. If we set up camp on the ground, I'd most likely get attacked. So that left one of the trees. Of course, I'd have to check for snakes first.

The two dogs were in the lead. I was sure that if trouble were around, they'd be able to sniff it out. We ran for quite a while, and the sun was no longer high in the sky.


The howling caused me to stop in my tracks. (They're getting closer.) I thought as I looked around. I found a large tree and began to climb. I only made it halfway up when I stopped. I was too tired to rise further. I had also examined the tree for snakes or any other beast but couldn't find any. That didn't mean they weren't around. It just meant I couldn't find them.

"I'm going to build us a shelter, so just wait!" I called down to the worried pups. I had seen one of our scouts do it on one of my many invasions as a paladin. So, it wasn't my first time camping in a forest. It was, however, the first time I was in one alone. I tried to remember how the scout built his make-shift nest. I started by using my sword to cut a few little branches. I placed the branch between two larger ones and tore pieces of my clothes to tie them together. When I was done, I started to gather leaves to make my bed a little more comfortable. The processes took hours, and the sun had finally gone down.

I rushed down the tree to grab the pup. I had to climb with the dogs one at a time. My arms were screaming by the time I was finished. The pain was worth it, though. I now had a safe place to rest. The make-shift bed was just big enough to fit the jackals and me. They didn't seem to mind the cramped space as they snuggled up to me. It had been a very long day for all of us. ( I can't believe my father would leave me out here.) I thought as I looked up through the tree. I could see specks of like shining there the leaves. The stars had started to come out.

"I haven't sleep under the stars in some time." I said to myself. Although the sight was beautiful, I was still missing my old bed. I swore the next time I saw my father. I would kill him. ( If I ever see him again?) I thought. I wasn't sure I would be able to survive the beast-infested forest. I honestly didn't know if I wanted to go back. I mean, I missed Mog, Drak, and even Devon. But I would never get to live the way I wanted if I had stayed.


The howling started again. This time it sounded like they were right on top of us. I began to sweat a little as I held my breath. I could hear leaves rustling below us. I looked below, but it was so dark I could hardly see a thing. I did see a few yellow eyes looking up at me. I quickly back away from the edge of my bed. I knew they couldn't climb this high, but I still tensed up. After what felt like ages, the wolf finally left. They are probably going to look for easier prey.


My stomach growled again. ( I need to find food somehow.) I thought as I looked up into the sky. If I was hungry, I knew the pups were too. I decided to look for some food first thing in the morning. Then I closed my eyes.


I awoke to the squawking of birds. I wanted to kill all of them for waking me in such a horrible way. I already missed waking up to Mog's gorgeous face. The jackals were also starting to get up. ( I guess I ill to get up, I need to get a head start today.) I thought as I stretched my body. I was still sore from last night.

"Lets see if I can get some breakfast for us." I said to the pups. I grabbed both of them and began the climb back down. It was easier to carry both dogs on the way down than it was to climb up. Once on the forest floor, I stretch some more to get my body loose and limber. Canis and his sister were busy sniffing out the place.

"I say, you two stay here while i go look for some food and water." I said to the dogs. They seemed to understand me somewhat since they didn't follow me when I began to leave. My two pets just weren't big enough to protect themselves. I ventured off head toward the south where the mountains were located. I wasn't planning on going all the way there.

I walked for about 30 minutes before I saw another live thing. It was a squirrel of all things. ( I wish my father had left me a bow and some arrows.) I thought as I crouched down behind the animal. I wasn't an excellent archer, but a bow was the best choice to hunt forest animals. Hunting with nothing but a sword was going to be complicated. I picked up a pebble, planning to do what I did to the boar a day earlier.

crack creek

I threw the rock, missing the squirrel completely. The heavy pebble soared through the air, knocking off branches before hitting the dirt. The squirrel I was aiming for, and the ones that were here in the area scurried away. (Damn it!) I thought. I had missed my chance. I was hoping to catch something quick. I didn't want to leave the pups for too long.

I tried to follow the little animals quietly and sneak up on them again. But I found it challenging. Shells of eaten nuts covered the ground I walked on. My feet crunched as I walked, making it hard to sneak around. The good news was that I had found food. I looked around and saw many small nut trees. I grabbed a few and tasted them. Although it wasn't meat, it would have to do for now.

After I filled up my stomach a little, I decided to look for water. I would need to drink something to survive here after making a mental note of the nuts to come back later. I headed off in the direction the animal had gone. I figured it was the best shot I had to secure a water source.

I walked for an hour before I decided to give up my search. (What's that sound?) I thought as I stopped in place. I closed my eyes so I could focus more on the strange noise.

"Over there!" I said as I raced off in the direction of the sound. It only took a few minutes to reach my target. I came up to a large waterfall leading to a lake. The waterfall was covered with animals, Mostly insects, and other plant-eaters. A pair of deer sipped from the other side of the river. I thought about hunting them but decided against it. The current of the river was too strong, even if I managed to kill one. Trying to carry the deer back across would be suicide. Plus, there was no telling what kind of beast lived inside the river.

(I'm just happy to see water.) I thought as I approached the river. The two deer noticed me immediately and started to run off. I disregarded the animals and crept closer to the river. I was keeping an eye out for predators. In my old life, I learned that predators love hunting near a watering hole. After confirming that no predators were around, I began to sip the water with my hands to test it out. It wasn't the best water, but I was too thirst to care how it tasted. I started to drink greedily. It's been a full day since I had anything to drink.

When I was done, I sat on the river bank to rest. I was going to have to get the pups and bring them here to drink. I know they must be thirty. I also need to stop off and get some nuts for the dogs. I didn't know if they could eat them since I had never had a dog before. But I figured it couldn't hurt them. They may have an upset stomach, but they wouldn't starve to death. At least, I hope.

I was getting ready to go back when I heard a rustle in the bushes behind me. I turned to see a boar headed my way. At first, it didn't notice me but soon spotted me. We both met eyes, and I noticed one of his tusks was cracked. ( It can't be the one from yesterday, can it?) I thought. The boar seemed to get angry upon noticing me. I was sure then that I was the pig that ran away yesterday. The boar dipped his head and prepared to charge.

"Hey, we can talk about this right?!" I shouted at the beast. I knew he couldn't understand me, but I had to do something. I had nowhere to run but the raging river. I thought about bringing my sword out when the boar suddenly charged.


I managed to summon my sword from my ring, but it was too late. The beast was too close and too fast. I blocked the beast tusk with the flat of my blade and was tossed high in the air. I used Ki to block the brunt of the force, but my arms still went numb as I flew through the sky.


I fell into the cold river helplessly. Immediately the current started to carry me away. I tried to fight it, but my arms were just too weak at the moment. I gave up on trying to swim my way out. I relaxed my body and rode the current. I needed to stay calm if I wanted to get out. Minutes of floating down the river felt like hours. My body bobbed up and down in the river, and I had to keep holding my breath. The whole ordeal made me light-headed. Luckily I could feel the current getting weaker until finally, it settled enough for me to swim. I quickly made my way to the shore.

"Huh!" I gasped as I finally made it back to dry land. (Just you wait, pig. I'm going to get you for this!) I cursed while lying on the river bank. I had to take a breather before moving out. I didn't plan on staying here any longer. My body couldn't handle another fight right now.

I started to see black spots on my leg. I quickly recognized the spots and started to wipe them away. (Leaches!) I thought as I grabbed one of the slimy creatures and threw it back in the river. The animals left circler bite marks all over my legs.

"Damn this cursed forest!" I screamed as I began the journey back to the pups. I decided to bring them to the river tomorrow; I had enough of it for one day. I walked back up the river bank with my sword drawn. I was done being caught off guard.

It took me a few hours to get back to the waterfall. My legs had started to get heavier. It was As if I was walking in molasses. I chalked it up to the leaches. I wouldn't doubt it if the small creatures had poison. (Everything in this place wants me dead.) I thought as I walked into the forest away from the river. I didn't get far, however, collapsing only a few yards away. I just couldn't use my legs anymore. It was like my brain had stopped talking to my lower limbs. I drug my limp body to the nearest tree, using nothing but my arms.

(I have no choice but to wait.) I thought as I sat back on the trunk of a tree. I was hoping the dogs were okay by themselves. I also hope that whatever happened to my legs wasn't permanent. I sat there with my sword helplessly. I kept my eyes out for any sudden movement. Fortunately, no beast showed up while I waited. Unfortunately, the sun had almost gone down by the time I was able to move my legs again. I quickly set off, well, as soon as I could. My legs still felt a little heavy, and it had gone dark by the time I was close to where I left the pups.


I heard the howling of the wolves. It sounded too close. I sped up, running faster. ( I need to get to the Jackals.) I thought. I didn't want them out while the wolves were hunting. That's when I heard the whine of a dog. The sound made my blood run cold. I hoped it was a wolf that made the noise, but a part of me knew better.

I finally made it to Canis and Canem, only to see them surrounded by five wolves. Canis was in between a layer three wolf and his sister. Blood dripped from the jackal's right eye, but the little dog was still determined to protect his sister. The wolf seized Canis by the neck and threw him into a nearby tree.

Canis hit the tree with a loud thud, letting out a yelp of pain. Then he was still. Something in me snapped. My vision blurred as I released my aura. All the wolves turned instantly. They growled at me menacingly before launching their attack. I cut them down one by one. The beast was stronger than me, but they were still beast. I used to be Sir Goerge, leader of the knight paladins. ( There's no way I'm dying to some beast.) I thought as I lost myself in battle. All the training with Daue came in handy. I was used to fighting against a layer eight beast. These layer two and three wolves were nothing compared to her.


The wolf that threw Canis howled. The remaining two wolves stopped what they were doing and growled at me. Both were heavily wounded and bleeding, but not dead like their two companies. I, too, suffered many wounds, a few bites, and scratches. My body was screaming for me to stop, but I disregarded those feelings. (Pain was just the body getting stronger.) I thought as I waited for the wolves to attack again. I was surprised when only the leading wolf stepped up. I figured he planned on facing me himself.

"Come then! So, I can put you down like the MUT you are!" I screamed at the beast. I would have no mercy for the beast that harmed my pet. The wolf charged after hearing my taunt. I waited till he got close and used my element to make my sword lighter. The blade cut through the air with a whistle. The beast made a face like it was surprised as it dodged but not entirely. I was able to make a shallow cut on his side.

The wolf ignored the small wound and tried to flank me. I turned quickly, backhanding the lunging beast. Before my arm hit the beast, I made it heavier with my element. My forearm smashed in the wolf's face with a nasty crunch. The creature hit the ground but quickly got back to its feet.

It circled me again, this time looking for a better opening. It had learned not to charge in recklessly. I had used most of my Ki fighting the other wolves, so I needed to end this quickly. I got an idea but wasn't confident it would work. ( If I don't do something, I die.) I thought as I prepared for my plan. I slowly went to one knee, faking weakness—the moment my knee hit the earth. The wolf charged.


I had thrown one of the nuts I found earlier at the wolf, mid-charge. Of course, before I threw it, I used my dark element to make it as heavy as I could. I wasn't aiming for the beast but in front of him. Dust and dirt exploded in the wolf's face causing it to halt its charge. It also obscured me from my opponent's view. While the beast was trying to stop, I was busy racing towards it. My sword came down faster, blowing the dust away and reviling me just before my sword connected to the beast's brain. I used my remaining bit of Ki and tried to cut the beast in half. But my blade stopped mid-way down its skull.

I had killed the beast, Thanks to my surprise attack. My body was full of pain, and all I wanted to do was fall over. ( I can't stop now.) I thought as I looked at the last two wolves. I still held on to my blade that was lodged in their leader's head.


I gave my best battle roar. I wanted every beast in this damn forest to hear me. I was signaling that a new predator had entered the woods. ( This place will not defeat me, I've been through worse.) I thought as I started the two beasts down. I was done running. I was going to make this forest my bitch. The wolves looked to me than to their dead leader before running off. When I was sure they were gone, I made my way to the injured Canis. Pain shot through my body with every step I took.

I saw Canem licking her brother and whining. My heart ached for the little dog. Canis's breathing was feeble, and it was only a matter of time before he was dead. I placed my hand on the jackal but collapsed next to him. MY body had finally given up. My vision started to darken as I fought to stay awake. (I need to heal my Canis.) I thought before exhaustion won, and I passed out.