A conversation with God

Lady Lea (Soul form)

I watched as Gora fought the weight of the void. She was surrounded by nothing but black Ki that formed to make a black sphere. Gora had been stuck in the globe for around two weeks now. A 1000 pounds pressed down on the tiny girl from all sides. Her bones broke, and her muscles tore again and again.

"Nova is harsh for giving you the void." I said as I examined Gora. After ranking up to layer three, she had been hit with backlash. Now the void was testing her to see if she was worthy. Usually, a person would have to bear the backlash of a breakthrough for a day or so. After that, they would pass out, and their element would reform their bodies a new. Gora was different, however. She had managed to stay awake for weeks straight while her body was broken down and rebuilt. The whole time she had been practicing Ti-Ki to strengthen her body.

In fact, her using the breakthrough as training was the reason for me being here. Gora had done the unthinkable. At only around 11 years old, she had broken through the fifth layer. Well, at least in the body, she was a layer five. (The amount of pain that she endured to reach this level was amazing.) I thought as I walked around the black sphere containing Gora. The monkeys were also lying near Gora, although they couldn't see me. I had come in my soul form so, I was invisible to everyone in this world. I was only there to see Gora anyways.

(Should I let her keep going.) I wondered. Apart from me wanted to see how long it could last. Another part wanted to see if she would die at the end. Ever since Nova interfered with my plan, I had given up on my little project. Gora was never meant to be Gora. That is to say, the real Gora died at birth. Sir George's soul was simply placed in her body. (Thanks to that meddling bitch Nova.) I thought as I reached out to Gora before stopping myself from touching the girl.

"Yes Nova did cause all of this, maybe theirs a way to flip this situation in my favor." I said while starting to form a plan in my head. I decided to let her suffer a little more. I was sure that it would only be a few more days before she passed out or died. As I waited, I watched the monkeys. They rarely left Gora's side. If they did, it was never for long.

The older one would go out for a few hours to collect food. What shocked me the most was that the one called Frons had chosen to take human form. She had also wanted to become Gora's guardian. Beast can only achieve Godhood by becoming God's guardian. Although not many people or beasts know this.

"She is already gaining followers." I said to myself. Gora's followers were in trouble, though. I could feel the presence of two strong beasts slowly closing in. They seemed to be tracking Gora and her group. (It looks like you may not even survive your evolution.) I thought with a laugh. I knew I should give up on the girl. She could potentially become a massive throne in my side later. But I just couldn't help but watch her. The girl caused terrific chaos. It would be a shame to let such an agent of chaos slip through my fingers.


Two weeks later!

"You got to be shitting me!" I said as I continued to watch Gora constantly reconstruct her muscles over and over. It had been a month of the girl enduring thousands of pounds, and she had gotten insanely powerful In such a short time. I decided to put an end to this madness as I reached into the black sphere containing Gora. I touched the girl's forehead, pulling her soul from her body, and we were instantly taken away from this world.

When we reappeared, it was in a field of grass and flowers. The foliage was all shades of grey and white. There was no sun or clouds, but the place was covered in a white hue. In the distance stood a large grey castle. I always hated coming here. (I only come personally on special occasions like this one.) I thought as I starred at the soul in front of me. Gora was gone. In front of me now was Sir George, a grizzled paladin warrior. He was wearing silver plate armor minus his helm. So I could see his scared mocha-colored skin. George sported a small thick curly sandy brown afro. His hazel eyes looked at me with confusion and a hint of anger.

"Lady Lea, is that you?" He asked as he examined his body. He seemed surprised to see he was in his old body.

"It's been a long time, young one. How are things going?" I asked. I knew exactly how it was going. I've been watching her since she was reborn.

"How am I doing? Do you have any idea what I've been doing since I was reborn? You told me I wouldn't need to fight! Now here I am fighting to survive!" George went on and on complaining about the forest and his dark element. I let him get all his words out before I answered any of his questions. My goal was to get him as angry as I could.

"Calm down, young soul. What I said was true. I am not the reason you are in this predicament. A naive Goddess named Nova is responsible for all of your misfortune. I'm sure you met her." I said plainly as I walked through the meadow. George seemed to be deep in thought as he chewed on my words. I decided to explain more. I told him how I meant for his soul to go to another body, not Gora's. I also explained that I wasn't the one to give him his element Nova was. Everything I said was true. I had envisioned a simple life for sir George, where he could live and grow in peace. I figured it would be an excellent way to win his heart. George looked shaken for a moment as he took in all that I had to say. He never interrupted once, only listening.

( I think I may be able to salvage this situation.) I felt as I stopped walking. Nova had made a crucial mistake. Sir George had been a puppet or a slave in his old life. He wished for a life where he controlled his own fate. Nova had made him a slave to destiny, a fact I think he would slowly come to realize. Once George figured out he had no actual control, he'd most like a rebel against her. I just have to wait, and he'll fall right into my hands.

"So you're saying all of this is because of Nova?" George asked. I simply nodded my head at the man.

"Then why am I here with you now instead of her?" He questioned. I could understand his confusion. I had meant to come to see him when he awakened, but that bitch Nova beat me to it.

"Oh, where are my manners. Welcome to purgatory!" I announced, spreading my arms out. Purgatory was the birthplace of me and my sister Lora. The place was located outside of space and time. So, only Gods could visit purgatory.

"I brought you here to congratulate you on becoming a layer five Ti-Ki practitioner!" I said, clapping my hands. George was speechless, but it was to be expected. There are not many that reach layer five in just the body. Most people will reach body five only after leveling their soul core up to layer five.

"I reached Layer five? I thought I had only reached layer four. Maybe the peak of layer four." Sir George said as he looked down at his hands. Then his eyes locked on mine. I was always surprised at how calm the man could be around me. Most mortals would be full of questions right now. George didn't seem to care at all. Even with the possibility of becoming a God was dangled in front of him, he didn't bite. ( What a strange soul you are.) I thought as I looked back at him.

"You couldn't have brought me here just to congratulate me. George accused." He was right. I didn't get him here just to talk.

"Well, I would usually just send you a message when a follower reaches this level, but Nova has forced my hand." I explained. Nova had interfered with my deal, and I could let her just get away with that.

"I am here regading your nature. You were meant to be a full demon, not a half-breed. The deal we made is now on the line." I said as I waved my hand. In an instant, an image of Gora appeared beside Goerge. Now both Sir George and Gora stood next to each other. Sir George was shocked by the new arrival as his jaw dropped to the floor.

"I have given you great power, more notably your satanic-body. But that is all because of our deal. So, you must choose your nature. Will you continue to hold on to Sir George and your human past, or will you embrace your true demon self? It's up to you." I said as I began to walk again leave George by himself to choose. If he decides to stay, sir George, I would take away the gifts Id given him, but if he prefers Gora. I knew I'd to be a little closer to winning him over. I couldn't let such a potential agent of chaos slip through my fingers so quickly.

"I have decided." I heard a female voice announce behind me. A smile crossed my face as I turned to see only Gora. (Good one step closer to making you mine.) I thought as I nodded my head.

"Then our deal still stands! I am happy." I said, trying to hide my mischievous smile. Gora would no doubt become a force to be reconded with in the future. She will also be an excellent source of chaos energy.

"Will I still have the dark element?" She asked. The question soured my mood a little. With the void as her element, she would be forever tied to Nova.

"Unfortunately, I can't get rid of void or the dark element that you speak of. Nova is the only one who can do that." I said. Gora looked a little frustrated with my answer but didn't say anything. I didn't blame her. The element was a hassle to deal with. I didn't envy her in the slightest.

Boom! Boom!

The world shook violently. Gora prepared herself for battle as she looked around. I just stood there unfazed. Mostly someone or something had come in contact with Gora's evolution barrier.

"We seem to be out of time. Before you go, I have one request. Live like a true demon. I can not change the world you are in, but you can. The only currency a demon knows is power. Only the stronger get to live as they please!" With those words, I waved my hand again, and we were sent back to the real world.

I watched as several gorillas attacked Gora's friends. Her followers were outnumbered, and I could sense the presence of two-layer six beasts nearby. (What a dire situation! Nova is such a cruel woman.) I thought with a grin. Just then, the black barrier started to ripple, causing the crowd to go still. Out walked a tall woman who looked to be in her late teens. Her long black hair flowed down to her knees. One black horn protruded from the top of her head. I watched the woman examine the area with her glowing yellow eyes.

"What a beautful agent of chaos you are." I said as I examined Gora in her new evolved body. Although her core was that of a layer three. Her body was closer to that of a layer six beast. The forest was in for a rude awakening.

Evolution barrier: A barrier that surrounds a being as it evolves or experiences backlash. The barrier is strong, but if broken, the results could be fatal to the person inside.

The Void: The dark element that Gora possess

Lady Lea: Goddess of Chaos and Disorder.

Nova: The Goddess of the Void.

Lady Lora: Goddess of Peace and order. (Missing)

Chaos energy: The Goddess of chaos feeds the chaotic action of her follower.

Nature: A person's nature refers to one's affiliation with the heavens. Whether they follow the side of order or chaos. Demons are more inherently chaotic in nature than other races.

Satanic-Body: A rare ability granted to the devil race. It allows a demon to heal faster as they rank up their soul core. At higher levels, one can even regrow limbs.

Purgatory: A place outside of time and space, where only Gods can go, that is, if they can find it. Purgatory is also the birthplace of chaos and order.