Not A Tyrant



I turned just in time to block the tiger's blow. At first, I felt annoyed that the beast had interrupted, but a new thought came to mind. ( More fun!) I thought with a smile. In my old life, I couldn't use elemental Ki attacks. So it was fun shooting Ki blades.

I started to stroll towards the tiger, who had a giant grin. I was looking forward to whipping that smile off its face. But first, I need my blade. I wasn't confident I could beat the beast with just a fist. So I was on my way to get my sword behind the tiger. Meaning I had to get through the beast. My slow deliberate did the trick in making the beast angry enough to come to me.

The cat rushed me. The second the feline was close to me, I let loose another Ki blade. This one was smaller than the other, but it would still pack a punch. I had to conserve my Ki. It was my first time using element Ki this way. So I put as much Ki as I could into my attacks. I had only just realized that I was running out of Ki. It was a good thing I had far more than a usual layer three.

The beast managed to doge my blade, but I decided to follow it with my new move. (Dark hand!) I thought as a large black hand made of the void shot through the smoke. The tiger surprised me by entirely retreating away from me. The creature seemed scared of my attack. Rightly so, if I were able to grab ahold of the beast, I would have surely ended the fight then and there. The gorilla couldn't break free from my grip, so I was sure the tiger wouldn't be able to either.

I cursed myself for missing because I had used up quite a lot of Ki to perform the move. I could still use the tiger's retreat to my advantage and make it to Frons. Who was looking at me with both fear and amazement? I pointed at my sword, not saying a word. My mouth had a devilish grin glued to it. Frons looked at my blade, then back to me. She handed me the sword slowly but didn't utter a word.

I took my sword given to me by my father. It was my first time looking at the blade since I got it. The black sword had to be made out of some tuff metal. It was able to cut damn near everything I swung it at. ( My reach is longer.) I thought as I swung the blade back and forward. I had to get used to my new long body. Fortunately, I got the hang of it quickly. I said something to the beast, but I know what. It was like I was covering my ear, making it hard for me to hear my own words. It wasn't the first time I did this either, but I could worry about it later. (I'm having too much fun!) I thought as I charged the beast.

The tiger launched wind blade after wind blade, but I easily avoided them. It was a little funny to me, just a few months ago. The attack would have terrified me. Now I was smiling as I weaved the deadly blades. Soon I was on the beast swinging wildly. The animal fell for my plow as his claws aimed to disarm me. In an instant, I switched my blade's grip and changed its direction. Now I planned to decapitate the tiger.


My black sword barely missed the green-furred cat. I managed to nick the tiger's ear just a bit but nothing serious. ( Damn, I missed.) I thought. My hand had slipped when I performed my technique. I wasn't entirely used to my body yet, and I had screwed my advantage. The beast would now be more careful when engaging me. I noticed that the tiger didn't move as fast as he once did. ( I wonder if he's still wounded like Log was?) I thought as I continued my barrage. However, I was still having trouble with my newer longer arms.

I still managed to land a few hits. I had stained the tiger's fur with blood. Even with the tiger wounded and my new power, I couldn't seriously injure the beast. Hell, the only reason I could even cut him was because of a particular skill. It was known as "Extended blade." It required Ki but very little. It essentially extended my blade by a few inches for a few seconds. I could only use this technique because I was a layer three.

"MMmmmmm MMmm mmm." I said again, unable to hear my own words. Before I could figure out why I couldn't hear my voice, the tiger let out a might roar directly at me. The mighty wind blows me back, sending me through one tree and cracking another. I struggled to stand, and the damn cat was there when I did.


I managed to block the horns, but the force hurt my arms slightly. I quickly tried to summon the void on my sword, but before I could finish, the tiger used its deer horns to launch me in the air. Then it let out another roar the pushed me even further in the air. The beast let loose with its barrage of small wind blades. The tiger was copying the gorilla's technique hoping to catch me off guard in the air. The attack sent me crashing into the trees far from the dead woods.

( I'm really sick of being sent flying.) I thought as I used the void to help catch one of the branches. Once I was set, I looked down, seeing the tiger staring into the trees with confusion. I giggled a little as I realized what the beast was doing. I decided to send him a present. I launched two small Ki blades, but I used as little Ki in the attack as I could this time. The beast dodged the attack, but I wasn't done.

I began to rain down dozens of black blades at the beast. This time I wasn't aiming for the beast but the trees around him. Large trees the size of grown men fell left and right from my barrage. I giggle as I rained down destruction. The small Ki blades didn't use nearly as much as the bigger ones, but I was getting low on Ki. (Time to end this.) I thought as I threw my sword covered with the last remaining bit of Ki I had left.


This explosion is deafening, even though the tiger could evade it. It wasn't able to escape the aftershock. I rushed to the struggling beast, grabbing my sword and speaking to the dazed alpha. Again I had no idea what I was talking about, but I managed to get the tiger's attention. The beast dove to the sound of my voice, leaving himself open as I quickly slipped past and pierced him in the chest. I wasn't wholly saved, thought as the creature turned and tore flesh and muscle off my arm. To my surprise, I could barely even fill the pain.

I looked up from my now grotesque arm. I saw the green tiger on my sword. I was inches away from the beast's heart. I would have most likely killed the animal if it hadn't clawed me. I starred at the beast as I spoke to it menacingly. (Why can't I hear my words?) I thought as I struggled to think. With this sudden pause, I was able to think more clearly. I had noticed I was acting strange. I felt as if I had partly lost control of myself. I was not fond of the feeling and tried my best to fight it.

I looked at the tiger, who had his eyes sewed shut in anticipation of its death. ( What am I doing?) I thought to myself. I had completely lost myself to the violence. At one point, I was even giggling. I wanted to embrace my demon side, but I didn't want to become a complete tyrant. That would make me no better than the priest. I had to be better than the, meaning I had to set up rules. I can just be killing indescribably.

I again looked at the tiger, who was seconds from death. (Does it deserve to die?) I thought as I tightened my grip on my sword. The beast had chased me to no end and was probably the main reason for Canems death. If he had not injured her, she might have gotten away from Log. That being said, this was his home. Well, technically, he was trespassing on monkey territory. But it was still the forest. I couldn't blame beasts for being themselves in the woods. I also couldn't just let the creature go.

(As soon it heals, it'll be back for more.) I thought. I didn't know what to do, but that's when another thought went through my head. It was one I would probably regret, but it would be better than just killing the beast. I asked the beast to be my guardian. I had gotten the idea from Frons and Canis. I was planning to make them my guardian after this fight. The two weren't going to stop nagging me about becoming my guardians. More Frons than Canis. Jackals were different. They could shake off guardianship without their master's consent. It was one of the reasons they were so rare.

I also figured since I would be taking over the forest. Then I should at least be a merciful leader. ( I would be nothing like those priests.) I promised myself. I would need to work on my thirst for battle, but first, I had to handle the mythical creature before me. It looked confused for a moment before it began to laugh. Only for a second as any slight movement caused the beast pain.

"Look at me. The great Warr reduced to this." The beast said in a low voice. I reminded the beast that the alternative was death.

"Fine human! It seems I have no choice. I accept your offer." The beast coughed.

"Good, then I appoint you my guardian from this day until our last." I said, repeating the ceremony Frons had taught me. The girl tried her best to trick me into uttering the words so many times that I knew them by heart. With the words spoken, a black aura surrounded the tiger and me. I felt foreign energy enter my body and rest in my core for a moment. Then as fast as it came, the aura disappeared. I could still feel the energy in my soul core. It was faint and slowly fading.

"You mind removing your weapon?" The tiger said. I proceeded to remove my blade from the beast's chest slowly. I didn't know if the ceremony had worked, so I moved carefully. When my sword was out, I held it there for a second, waiting for an attack that never came.


The creature collapsed and passed out almost instantly. I, too, fell to the ground, completely drained. The pain was coming back with a vengeance. I was unable to lift even the tiniest muscle in my body. I had driven my body to its absolute limits. I wasn't sure if I would even survive. I had exhausted all of my Ki. My eyes started to close as I heard footsteps. I couldn't tell who it was before I ultimately succumbed to my exhaustion.

Extended blade: This is a skill used primarily by Ti-Ki artists. It was an act of extending one's weapon with Ki. The move was a delicate balancing act that required extreme concentration.

Black Hand: A hand created by the void element.