How Anita got an idea to become founder of CIA

Anita's CIA

Cupid Investigation Agency


"I didn't cheat on you, my love", said Richard, good-looking dashing young man, trying to defend himself of Rachel's accusations. He wore dark blue sportswear matching perfectly with his ocean- blue eyes and sneakers white like a snow. "I was with my friends and we had some drinks in the bar. You know men gathering, that's all. I truly don't know what comes to your mind..."

"I know what you did yesterday, you can't deceive me!", Rachel retorted, in her silky voice. She was slim tall girl with long red hair. Wearing a long yellow narrow dress which suited her perfectly, she looked very pretty and together they have made a good match. "You were just with friends, yeah, bravo! Friend of the year!" Rachel was his fiancée and right now she was blowing fire like a dragon, so angry and furious like never before in their entire relationship which lasts almost three years.

"What is this then? Is she also "a Friend"? She throws a bunch of photos in his face. They fell on the floor. Surprised and picking them he noticed picture of Eleanor in his hug, on the other one him and her were laughing.. and some other similar even more free photos. As they say:'picture is more than 1000 words', these ones spoke for themselves.

He was standing in disbelief, how damn she got all these photos?

She stormed out of the room shutting the door very loud.

Where will she go from here, disturbed and anxious like this? She could hardly recognize herself, her words and actions, but she couldn't help herself. She already knew that this day could make or break their relationship. Moreover to break it than to make, at least she thought like that at the moment. Feeling of disappointment and sadness she felt was overwhelming.

It would be good to see again sweet little Dino in the backyard of the Rainbow building, she thought and decided to find solace in feeding and petting him. Dino was a little type of a dragon, who was found in the wood by Rachel and Angela, both tenants of flats in Rainbow building. It happened during the picnic with their partners, Richard and Ted , when all of a sudden they heard sound similar to weeping in the bush..smihh smihh ..

Smiihhhh…Angela was just eating a sandwich with lettuce, cheese and ham, when she heard that sound like… looking for help. Smiihhhhh again. She left the food on the disposable plate and totally in hurry went to see what is it in the bush . She came closer and removing branches of a tree she saw a cute little creature looking like a dragon, but his look resembled to some specious from another planet. That is how she surprisingly come to the rescue of one green and orange fur little dragon- like being, looking so innocent and helpless. She tried to catch him and hardly succeeded in that that endeavors. She finally did it after several trials, because he was so frighten poor thing, so she took him and join him to picnic with them. "C'mon Dino, try some food, don't be hungry little darling, let's pa pa some food, pa pa." She tried to talk to him like he is a human and he was looking gratefully at her like he understood. Very soon he became friendly with his new company and he liked taste of cheese as well. She decided to continue calling him Dino and to take him home, what Dino didn't object obviously enjoying his new human friends. When they return to their building Rachel together with Angelina and Anita, who instantly got soft spot on little baby Dino, made him a house from the wood in backyard and put pillows in that he can comfortably sleep and bowls for food and water. Soon he became a favorite pet of Rainbow building tenants who took good care of him. They bought him even a little ball and some soft toys to play and often they have enjoyed playing with him.

When Rachel, that night after quarrel with her fiancé, came to bring him some food, she was so unhappy that Dino somehow noticed it and wanted to come to her rescue this time around. He came to her to pet him and wanted to cuddle more than usually because he wanted for her to feel good as before. Soon, thanks to sweet little and empathetic Dino, she really felt bit better and after some time by petting him once more on his lovely head she wished him good night and covered him to sleep well in his little house. She also went to sleep and literally did it as soon as she went to bed. This day was just too stressful for her, but she knew very well that everybody has those days sometimes and that as well as all life storms, this one also come shall to pass.

Lying in the bed, she took some sips of water from the bottle on the nightstand, once again recalled today's incident with her fiancé happened in his flat No 15, soon supposedly to be their own flat at the fourth floor of Rainbow sky building. It should be thunderstruck sky building though; she thought ironically and as she felt that her world is crumbling down,sleep slowly replaced these disturbing thoughts.

On the façade of their building, where her flat was on the second floor, was painted a beautiful rainbow . In their building were also several flats of their friends, so daily dynamic usually were very lively.

At that time, after midnight, Richard still sat down on the table in his room and grabs a glass whiskey, from remaining half of the bottle. He didn't eat anything after today's confrontation with his fiancé but he didn't feel hunger. He was just sitting and contemplating how even happened that encounter with Eleanor, his ex …

And, above all, he was wondering how his fiancée got all those photos.


Little did he know is that all started that day when lady Anita, also tenant of a Rainbow Sky building and good friend of his fiancée, opened a new agency for following partners or spouses of her clients. She was basically inspired by stories of her best friend Rachel from the second floor of Rainbow sky building. Anita also had a flat at the second floor, so visiting each other was very easy and provided they have had deep friendship she took interest in her case. Often hearing a lot about Rachel's relationship with her fiancé Richard, she decided to instead of cosmetic saloon, what was her previous (initially intended to do) business goal, open this intriguing agency which was something new there, so she didn't even expect much out of it. She didn't have an idea that it will come to flourish very soon after opening, with so many customers with their cases and reaping good financial benefits.

All this success has happened because Anita, beautiful blonde, bit extravagant and unique in her dressing and life style in general, at the same time was full of understanding and empathy for her clients who felt at home in her beautiful and cozy office. Wearing unique and beautiful clothes, with fur, hats, large earrings, original jewelry and quality make up, always in a cloud of nice perfume she was well rounded individual and full package. Her way of receiving and talking to her clients was friendly, yet professional. Only this, by itself, was great recipe for success.

They were telling her their stories without hesitation, opening up to her like she is also their old friend, not only the powerful boss of one of the countries sought after investigation agency.

She used to offer her customers drink of their choice, while she was pleased to have two coffees in the morning and a glass of wine or champagne daily, especially with CAM TEAM after their solving the case successfully. CAM team was name for the team of two people, made of photographer Patrick and cameraman Sunny, who were working for the agency and sent daily on investigation for solving the cases.

Also often good music could be heard from her office( from classical music to music 80's Duran Duran, Dead or Alive, Thompson Twins, Tears for Fears, Queen, Nena, Samantha Fox, Depeche Mode and today's Maneskin band), which was nice cozy place with friendly pink and yellow walls with lots of paintings and her big photo framed on the wall, then sofa, table, shelves for storing files with many mysterious cases and also lots of flowers and a beautiful fluffy carpet. Shelf with many books and magazines has taken the central place of the office. Lots of decorations, and especially her loving cat Marco, also added to the already existing beauty of the place and with that being said customers inspite of all challenges which were bringing them there felt soothed and at home.

****************** *****************************************


Richard was sitting until late night and thinking how actually happened that unplanned meeting with Eleanor and what will be the fate of his current engagement with Rachel? Many thoughts in a speed of light were passing through his head .Is there chance for her to forgive him and take him back, he wondered.

That Monday evening he was only planning to chill with colleagues in the nearby pub, which they were visiting sometimes after working hours.

Before going there they agreed to have meal in a restaurant and after that to go for additional drink in their favorite nearby pub called Sequel. The name really matched coz subsequently after restaurant they finished in the pub.

After a couple of drinks he noticed interesting group of four ladies (Vivian, Eleanor's best friend, Isabel and Loretta. Eleanor was sitting with her back turned so he didn't see that's her) sitting around the table next to theirs, enjoying their chit chat in nice environment.

He went to the toilet to make a call to a friend about tomorrow's project they were working on and after checking his tie in the mirror he stumbled on the way back, pushed accidentally by one lady while she was passing with the drink.

That was one of those ladies sitting in a corner and that was a real SURPISE.

"Oh, sorry sir!" he heard

They looked at each other in disbelief



Both of them were as surprised as they saw ghosts….

"Umm..What are you doing here?! I mean long time no see.." said Richard bit confused and evidently surprised to see her again and under these circumstances. He didn't ever think of her like of a life of the party, yet she is here with friends in her red short dress which suited her perfectly and attractive blonde coiled hair, obviously having wonderful fun time.

'Just went out with friends to celebrate my birthday', she said, bit shy.

'Oh, your birthday! Yes, I remember..well then Happy birthday!!! Very glad to see you! Are you planning something after this outing.. Do you know what? I would like to surprise you with a gift..but with gift which you will chose yourself! Ok it's not then actually surprise, because you know now that you'll get the gift but it will be surprise what will you chose."

"Thank you for your tempting offer, nobody did something like that to me", she said with amusing smile on her pretty face. "It'll be nothing too expensive", she said."Don't worry... at least it will not be a car", she smiled.

"If I have money I would buy you even that...he said, nothing is too expensive for such a lovely lady"! In that moment how it seems he has totally forgotten on his fiancée.

They continue chatting like they came alone to the pub and not with their group of friends.


So how you've been doing all this time? Is everything all right? Are you still single or you have found someone else? They were chatting and confessing each other about new relationships. Richard told her that he is engaged now and she told him that she has a crush but she is not sure to start relationship yet. They continue to talk about their pets; while Eleanor was cat lover and owned three beautiful cats, Richard was owner a gorgeous German Sheppard Rocco. They were talking about interesting happenings with them and laughing and before they returned to their friends group they agreed that two of them will meet soon after this gathering, to continue with celebration and shopping of the gift.

The rest of the night in club passed very entertaining for all people there whoe were singing, dancing, chatting, singing karaoke, and after midnight they decided to go home to sleep that an be able to work efficiently tomorrow.

After unexpectedly exciting night Eleanor and Richard then decided that tomorrow after working hours will go and look for the gift for her birthday.


Meanwhile Anita already just opened her agency which she named Cupid Investigation Agency (CIA)


Trouble in paradise= or not

Let's find out

Loyalty is the key

With already being said that inspired by her friend Rachel's story Anita decided to help her, so Rachel was her first customer who actually not knowingly opened the chapter of numerous incredible stories and secrets of relationships , kept there in the files, of which whole book can be written. And it would be a bestseller without any doubt.

Miss Anita hired photographer and detective to follow Richard (later they become well-known as CAM TEAM) and as they started following him they saw him with Eleanor, exactly on the day after her birthday , just on that fatal day when they decided to go out.

How did they spend their day out? Happy couple, walking in the city, first was exploring a new café with different sorts of extra fine coffee, and after that they spent some time in famous cake shop " where they also enjoyed their time eating delicious desserts. Through all those activities they were followed (not knowingly) by photographer and cameraman who were gathered good amount of photos of them laughing, hugging, sharing cake and drinking coffee.

End after that, like cherry on pie, they decided that is time for a gift for Eleanor.

" Oh Richie, I have had great time till now, we can consider it to be gift, because it really is. A precious gift", she was smiling and looking at him. At that moment he heart melted and they were just walking down the street with many shops when he noticed big jewelry shop called Sunshine. 'Let's go there', he suggested. She was more than happy with the choice,

And soon after, pair of golden earrings with the necklace of the same design, bracelet and ring was decorating her attractive figure. She was glowing, not only from the shine of gold but also it was inner glow coming from love and respect of her ex partner and she never expected that this year she will have the best birthday celebration ever.

Photographer called Patrick has photographed every single trying of ring and necklace in exclusive jewelry shop as well as expensive purchase.

After few shoots photographer Patrick was happy that cameraman Sunny and him, together named CAM TEAM, got a lot of proof. He came back to agency and presented all material to its owner Anita who was more than pleased they found out the truth. Poor Rachel, though, she thought, but eventually she will get over this, better to find out now then when it's too late. The show must go on anyway, she thought.

Rachel didn't receive the news calmly at all, she cried a lot and Anita was there to console her again. What are the friends for, anyway? She was drinking a lot of wine and Anita had to intervene and put her, so exhausted ,to take rest. At that moment Rachel was sure that that was the end of relationship and after being disappointed so deeply, finally starts sleeping.


How time goes by Richard really repented explaining Rachel that Eleanor is just thing from the past and nothing else. He insisted that their relationship must continue provided he had so much love for her, and she also couldn't forget him and move on inspite of betrayal. What betrayed her most is his buying jewelry to Eleanor and spending such amount of money on her, yet he was convincing her that she is nothing to him now. How she could believe him?

In their long heart to heart conversation she was asking him all those questions but he was persistent that in his heart beats only for her and nobody else. To prove his point with actions, not just words, he decided to surprise her in the way that she will not turn him down again. He decided to propose to her, with all his heart and a very special gift. He is proposing to her with a diamond ring during the special dinner he prepared for their friends from Rainbow building. What happened during that occasion happen? She said yes!

Reconciliation took place; they took couple's therapy and decided to work out the issues between them.


At the therapist

"I'm glad you are here and you want to save your relationship", said Diana, their therapist. She was charismatic middle-aged lady with gray hair elegantly packed in a bun and forest green eyes, watching them carefully over her spectacles. She seemed to really care to this loving couple bring back together again.

Rachel and Richard had a strange feeling that she can see through them and read their thoughts. "Sometimes there are the situations where one person feels like they will never trust their spouse or partner again", she continued. "It will take time to rebuild that trust if something major occurred in the relationship. Even significant problems, such as infidelity, can be forgiven if couples can find the strength within themselves. It is not an easy situation to be in, but you can work on building up the love that you once had together. Are you willing to do that?" she asked them. They nodded their head saying "Yes" at the same time.

"Good, this is good indicator", happily said Diana, with obvious relief.

"Are you satisfied with the intimacy level in this relationship", she asked them. "Both parties in a relationship deserve to be satisfied sexually and romantically. If one person feels that the intimacy levels in the relationship are not sufficient, than this is a big problem. Sex is an important of a healthy relationship, so these problems should be addressed. If you want to make your partner happy, then you need at least to be open to discussing their feelings to this matter.

So when you go home I want you to have a conversation of this important matter and you will reply these two questions

Are you satisfied with the type of sex that is occurring in the relationship?

Are you pleased with frequency of sexual and romantic encounters?"

They wrote questions in their notes and got one assignment more from Miss Diana.

"Well, I want you also to write down on the paper five things why you wanted to be with each other at the beginning of the relationship."

They agreed for the next appointment and happily left for their flat in Rainbow Sky building.

How it seems it will be rainbow at the end, which could represent their hope for their better future. They have planned future already by wanting to marry and have a bunch of kids running around and playing with Dino and how it seems now the time has come for its realization.


Angelina was sitting in the library after exhausting day at university, until late night...It was happening every night.

She was living at the first floor of Rainbow sky building located very close to the University, so she was comfortable with not spending extra time and money on the bus and other transportation.

She decided to pass that final exam, tough one though , and it requested hard work and dedication.

She was usually attended university lectures with her colleagues Rick, Andy, Wendy and Irene

After those reading nights at the library, at 12 midnight she usually used to go to canteen and order one Fanta before going home.

She was doing it every single night.

Ted , her partner, was worried is everything alright with their relationship, maybe she found someone new .. he asked her why she doesn't have time for him anymore and he was suspicious on all her explanations that she is busy with studies.

So, one morning, while reading newspapers he found advertisement about Mrs. Anita's agency for investigation of couples infidelity.." why I wouldn't give it a try, he thought , maybe I will find out the reason for Angela's being busy all the time."

He went to agency and told Miss Anita about his case , that he wants to know about Angelina's movements , especially those occurring late night.

Miss Anita nodded, promising him quick result. She was not only very understanding worker , but also a responsible CEO of this now already well known Agency in which office are stored many files of the cases solved and even more yet awaited to be solved.

And what Ted found out after investigation were only photographs snapped with CAM TEAM that she is attending lectures, talking with friends in university hall, reading in the library till late hours.

On the photos he has seen higher institution hall, her talking with other students, coming out of lecture hall, canteen with few students where she every midnight used to drink her Fanta, to the point when only by her coming to canteen seller would already serve her chilled opened Fanta without her saying a word. They photographed how seller is talking something to her while giving her drink

They couldn't hear him saying:

"I am so impressed by you doing the same thing at the same time all over again, during long period of time, by you drinking Fanta every night at midnight. You are so persistent; I have never met someone like that before. Congrats, can I shake your hand?"

And that would be, except talking about lectures in the hall with a colleagues, her only interaction with opposite sex.

Ted starred at the photos and couldn't believe that all what Angelina was doing is working to become successful, building herself up, until he was jealous jerk accusing her for nothing. He saw their relationship from another perspective and realized how blessed he is to have such a beautiful and loyal girlfriend, real angel, her name perfectly suited her.

Ted and Angelina's relationship after this pleasant discovery continue to flourish more than ever .Ted was taking her for shopping, after that they went to picnic and had a wonderful time in nature. They also visited cinema, museum, galleries and restaurants. He didn't spare money now when he knew that he has the most worth of all: faithful, beautiful and kind girlfriend.

And before their traveling to Bahamas, their little paradise for honeymoon, Angelina passed her final exam with flying colors. She graduated and became a doctor of prestigious high institution and got the job in Germany, when she will move next month with her fiancé. She proved with her example that loyalty, honesty and hard work always pay off bringing the best results of happiness and fulfillment in life.

But , honestly speaking, this case of fidelity and loyalty was one of the very rare cases in Mrs. Anita's agency, now already famous.Let's see now what destiny awaits couples in the story to came, maybe totally different fate.. But let's start from beginning.


In the pub

Ursula and Mark are talking

-What do you want from me? - Ursula asked in disbelief, she was almost irritated by Marc's actions, ordering her drinks and asking too many private questions, at least how she saw it at at those moments of total vulnerability.

When he saw her in the pub, he joined her and asked what she is drinking, and after she told him he told waiter nonchalantly:

"One Margarita, please, and scotch on the rocks for me".

They knew each other from neighborhood, just from the seeing and they said hello sometimes to each other. He was living at the fifth floor of Rainbow sky building and she in a big beautiful pink house with a huge yard and swimming pull in it, just across his building. She was his hugest crush there and she didn't know anything about that. She wouldn't even be interesting in anything serious after recent ugly break up with Andreas with whom she spent 4 years in solid relationship. Committed, how she thought. Until she found out that he is seeing another girl. Not only that she knew her, but she discovered she was her best friend, from childhood even.

How it happen for her to have suspicions and look for the answers knocking on the door of Anita's agency?

That fatal day while waiting for Andreas to finish bathing while she was exercising riding stationary bicycle, she heard biiip message on his phone. She continued with her working out, but then she heard another one. And few more subsequently.

That was enough to catch her attention. Who is sending to him many messages at once, she thought? She thought about that and came up with the plan how to discover mysterious person.

After he had taken a bath, they ate fish, his favorite meal, in cozy environment. They were talking about the day, how they have spent it and cracking jokes as they drank expensive wine.

Little did he know about her mischievous plan is that she put tablet for sleeping in his glass of wine while he was taking a bath, and that happened after the moment he started to get messages on his phone.

She was exercising at the moment she heard his messages are popping up and was truly wondering what he is hiding from her. To find out the truth, she decided to put something for sleeping in his wine which they will be drinking during the dinner...

After nice meal and chatting he felt very sleepy, so she helped him to go to his bedroom and put him on the bed, put his shoes off and cover him. He started sleeping in minutes.

After making sure he felt deeply asleep she took his phone and opened password with... finger print of his hand.

Not wasting any time, she went through his phone and at first all seemed to be right.

Until she opened his Whats App and she had what to see.

She saw six unopened photos…and a text: " Darling, I finally did what you asked me. Here are my photos just for your eyes, my pumpkin".

Ursula couldn't believe her own eyes, because just in front of them she had what to see: young woman's photos in underwear of different colors and designs and what actually increased her already big shock is that she knew woman on the photos. She knew her so well, indeed. She was her best friend Kate.

Kate who she knows from forever, Kate whom she borrowed her best clothes to make impression on her dates, Kate who used to cry on her shoulder in time of crises and she was always there to listen to her , giving her all attention she needed.

She felt backstabbed, betrayed, worse than ever.

Only recovery from all of this will take centuries, if ever occur, she thought.

She decided to leave Andreas sleeping. But before that she packed all her things from his apartment .

Song Tainted Love of Soft Cell band was just playing on a radio. Exactly what I needed! she thought and with her red Revlon lipstick she wrote on the mirror in his bathroom :Cheater! Lier!

And for every case to prevent him to bother her again she left him a short letter informing him that she found out about his infidelity " I know what you did. I just found out for you and Kate. Don't look for me, I'm done with you. Hope both of you gets what you deserve"

And that was it. She left.

'Sometimes you have to walk away and let karma take over', she concluded wisely.

And after longer period of isolation and recovery, she started to go out again. On all Andreas' calls and messages she didn't reply and finally she blocked him from all social media.

And here she is, in the pub, with a neighbor Mark who finally summons courage after few drinks to admit that she is his huge crush for a longer time, only he didn't say anything before because he knew that she is in committed relationship with Andreas.

She told him that they will first be friends and from there see where it goes.

Showing their nice friendship at first, many scenes of his care, opening car doors for her, giving her his jacket around her shoulders not to be cold, giving her CD of her favorite band, lovely moments, he was trying to win her over friend zone..

Little by little they become more than friends.

Ursula could trust him and he was so good to her, putting her first and taking care of her so well that she was wondering is it a dream and still couldn't believe that after worst relationship of her life, Mark came offering her all the best things relationship could bring and her happiness showed on her face.She was glowing and everybody noticed that.

That's exactly how she unexpectedly started romance with Mark who has been crushing on her for so long, which turned to be romance of her life time. They eventually married and got beautiful children and have lived very happy family life.

While Andreas and Kate, not long after her discovery of their relationship, broke up and up to present day they couldn't found their missing piece of puzzle in love. ( Andreas, intentionally or not, was choosing girlfriends who looked like Ursula in some way, hair or dress style like her, yet she was nowhere to be found, what caused him much stress.)

In friendship, Kate had a similar problem.

She also wanted to make up with Ursula but with no prevail, because you can forgive somebody who betrays you, but it doesn't necessarily include being friends again.

And as they said: Holding a grudge doesn't make you strong; it makes you bitter. Forgiving doesn't make you weak; it sets you free. So Ursula continues life free of grudges and was leading very happy family life while Andreas and Kate got their karma.

Confrontation and even sad scene happened in front of supermarket where Kate saw Ursula after three years and desperately wanted to talk to her. It was not possible because while Kate was all alone with nobody by her side, from supermarket are coming out Mark with their cute twins and called Ursula to join them and get into the car and happily show what they bought for her too.


Finding Cupid

Surprise for Anita

One lazy Saturday morning, Anita was sitting at the desk in her office looking at the files of the cases remain to be solved.

She took a sip from her colorful coffee mug with freshly brewed coffee and lightens the cigarette taken from the pack on her table,

She was expecting a client; she looked at her notes checking the time of the meeting. She saw it's in 11: 30. She looked at the wall clock; it was showing 11:10. Still 20 minutes left.

She put her favorite music on what automatically put her in even better mood and while she was typing some observations of latest case on her laptop, she heard knocking on the door.

Come in, she said.

One tall, handsome man came inside.

'Good morning. I have appointment at 11:30.'

'Welcome, I was expecting you. You must be (she looked at her notes) Mr. Williams Johnson.

'Yes, madam, that's me.

And you must be famous madam Anita, owner of this popular Cupid Investigations Agency.'

'You are flattering me', she said slightly blushing.

'Very nice office', he said looking at decorations and painting, and a cat sitting on the sofa,. "What is the name of this beautiful cat?", he asked.

"It's Marco", she replied." Like Marco Polo".

"Ah, that Italian explorer, from Venice ", he said

She noticed that he is educated and she liked it about him.

"Nice to meet you Marko", he pet the cat.

She pretended not to see his look of admiration while looking at her. Eyes never lie, she thought. Mr. Johnson just liked everything about her and wanted to get to know her more.

But there was a case in front of them. He was already comfortably sitting in the chair and started to tell her what the reason of his coming to Agency is.

She was listening attentively about his girlfriend's Sharon behavior. Or better to say misbehavior. She acted like she didn't care anymore, yet when he suggested separating and taking a break from each other to see if they can move forward, she refused.

She was not punctual any more when coming on dates with him, and sometimes would change the plan of seeing him, at the last moment. Her phone was often explainably switched off. It was just not the same girl from beginning of the relationship and he was not willing to waist no more time on fake relationship because being authentic himself he couldn't stand fake things generally: like fake people and fake friends.

Anita was listening and writing in the notes observations of the case. After getting all necessary details and half of the payment, Anita thanked this handsome gentleman promising him fast results.

There was something in the way he looked at her but she was too busy to pay attention on anything but work and there were loads of cases waiting for her and CAM TEAM to solve them.

For unknown reason, she took interest in this particular case, giving it a chance for solving immediately, inspite some other cases were already waiting.

She picked the phone and invited Patrick (photographer) and Sunny (cameraman) for the meeting at 17:00 at the office to give them addresses and remaining details about the case.

And at 17:00 CAM TEAM was already waiting for the meeting. They got instructions and all necessary details and started to work that evening.

First they were waiting in the car in front of Sharon's house for an hour, when she came home at 8 pm, parked come and enter the house with paper bags full of groceries.

Next day they saw her going to work and coming back at 5 pm. As they followed her movements they didn't find anything suspicious.

They almost thought they are done with this case and that this one is in those 1% faithful cases, when...

Third night of CAM TEAM's investigation they were sitting in the car parked hidden in front of Sharon's house not prepared for any surprise. Until at 10 pm luxury car has stopped in front of her house. Mysterious man in black designers clothes rang the bell, and even they were in the car they could hear her screaming:' I'm coming, Fred'!

He gave her big bouquet of flowers and she thanked him with a huge smile on her face inviting him to come in.

She is holding the flowers- CLICK! CAM TEAM was up to the task, as always.

Fred is coming in the house- another CLICK! Photos were just waiting to be printed in the morning and be shown to their lovely boss.

But, it was not all what happened.She shut the door and they stayed there...till morning.

CAM TEAM was waiting in the car all night long and in the morning, as the love birds came out, or better to say fly out, followed them to nearby cafeteria where 'couple' ate their breakfast, snapping them enjoying their meal, talking, feeding each other and smiling, they considered their task done provided they have had already enough proof. They also snapped them leaving cafeteria and getting into the car headed in unknown direction.

CAM TEAM happily took their breakfast at the same cafeteria where Fred and Sharon had their meal and after that they headed to the Cupid Investigation Agency where Anita expected them, because they already let her know in the phone call that they are coming, provided they successfully accomplished the task.

They presented the photos, not yet printed, but full phone gallery and camera recordings proved that relationship between Sharon and Fred really exist and that she is not faithful to William.

William, at the other hand, when presented with photos and recordings of Sharon's infidelity was glad that his suspicions showed to be right and immediately went to Sharon's house with a bunch of photos ( already printed till that time) and called off the relationship,

"What! And you believe this nonsense, this is photo shop! They want to set me up and ruin our beautiful relationship. And you believe them? You believe all what you see, don't you? You are not even asking me for my side of the story. How can you…", Sharon tried to defend herself when confronted but with no prevail. He decided not to listen this drama queen and left her with no further explanation.

But that was not all...

Meanwhile, William became fascinated with Anita and start falling for her. He was convinced that he found his missing rib and did everything possibly to make sure she will accept his proposal.

At first, she refused to go out with her client, but after many bouquets of flowers, chocolates and other gifts and especially his chivalry, she had second thoughts and started serious relationship with him.

And so happened for Anita... who has closed her heart for love in this time of no chivalry and true emotions, how she thought, hoping to be better luck in love in the next life, love surprisingly has happened to her in this lifetime.

William showed her that true love does exist and it will find you when you least expect and looking for it.

That is how and Anita, the CEO of agency, solving other people's cases, when she last expected found her groom and everlasting happiness.

Happy end