Chapter Fifteen


The sound of traffic brought me from what would have been a sleepless, dreamless night. However, last night was different. Dreams came and went like a movie in my head, a movie that I could have done without seeing. If honesty was the answer, I had to give someone who wanted to know about my mundane visions of shadow figures and distant screams. I sat up on the bed, rubbing a hand through my hair. It would be nice to have one dream about something other than these visions that I know are bound to take place. For once, would it kill my subconscious mind to sleep? Throwing the covers off my legs. The silent sounds of the residents of the home sleeping, Graceona, however, had work at the lodge, leaving me to be with Leonard and Kourtney. I knew I had to look for Kadaj and Loz, but I also knew that life was peaceful without the head games and childish behaviors. Rubbing the soreness from the back of my neck. Did I want to bother myself with finding two people who have proven that they more than likely didn't want to be found? It was the right choice, the choice that a hero would make, to find people who are missing. However, had I proven to be a hero? I had one date; I had adapted to the family lifestyle, even with those aspects in my life, I felt the same way. The loner, and the gunslinger of the remnants of the sadistic man that this town had grown to fear. They often look at Kadaj as the half-pint version of the threat. The apple of creation doesn't fall far from the tree. A Sephiroth Spawn is a Sephiroth spawn, no matter how many times people try to place the changed label on the three of us, we are always going to be the three teenage boys with a past of terrorizing a small city for a man with serious issues, an obsessed issue with a woman that none of us know. I sighed. I needed to stop thinking about this topic. People think Kadaj is the one that would resurrect another war, Loz and I, however, battle the events in our ways. His is childish antics, while mine is devotion to those that had given me the chance that I didn't deserve. I leaned against the bed frame. Loz and I had found the methods we have of coping. Kadaj, however, either has tried to find his method and failed, or he is battling the worst of the effects. No one had ever accepted him, JENOVA, Sephiroth, not even Leonard, who has clarified that it was because of Kadaj that the older man had sent us away to take a break. I don't even think our sister relishes the thoughts of having Kadaj around or any of us.

The sounds of motorcycles speeding by brought my thoughts to a halt as I looked out the window to see two motorcycles zip by, with no signs of slowing down. I sighed, walking from the room, going downstairs. Graceona, who had slept on the couch last night, was, as I had suspected, gone to work. Her keys and phone missing were clear she wasn't in the home. Come to think of it, I heard nothing from those who slept in the other rooms. Kourtney by now would have been watching her cartoons, and Leonard would sit in the kitchen drinking coffee. I looked at the clock. With a start, I had slept in it was afternoon. I rushed to the door to see a letter taped to the wooden door.


Kourt and I went to Vincent's. He said he needed to discuss something with me. We'll be home later, by the way. You owe me ten Gil. There were no signs of your brother's last night. I'm worried about them, as well. Anyway, have fun on your date with Sierra. She left you a message this morning. It's by the phone.''

Taking the note from the door with a sigh. I wondered what matter Vincent had with Leonard, and Leonard paying my debt to the merchant. I appreciated it, but I wished he hadn't. Now I had zero excuses for not going to find my brothers and Leonard wanted them found. Perhaps he cares for us more than he likes to pretend, the banters the bets and conversations that we had seemed to be just that to me, nothing more, and nothing less. But, to Leonard, it was a special bond he had only shared with the five-year-old child. He was coming from whatever wall he had built around himself and was playing the role of father figure that the three of us never had. I would be a liar if I said it was something that none of us wanted, well that was the case with me. Though I couldn't speak for my brother's. I got my keys from the hanger, walking to the landlines that were never put to use. Seeing Sierra's message, the request to meet up at the bar was an hour sooner than we had planned last night on the way home from the church. I sighed, folding both notes, placing them in my pajama pants pocket, going upstairs to change into my clothes, to go look for Kadaj and Loz.

After I had changed clothes, I left the home, locking the front door behind me. Once outside, my phone chimed, as I got it from my jeans pocket. Looking at it, I answered it. "Graceona, you never call me. Is something wrong?"

"Are you up for going to the bar? ShinRa's letting everyone leave early? Reno, Rude, and I are going to have a friendly drink. You and your brothers should come, watching Reno get it handed to him after too many drinks. That is the highlight of the night. Plus, I had planned to take you three shopping for clothes. Your wardrobes are looking a little dull."

"Sorry, I can't. Loz and Kadaj never came home last night. I need to go find them, and see if they are doing alright."

"Sad, well. I hope you find them." She seemed disappointed, though she bounced back with a sigh. "Check Midgar, I've found Kadaj there many times at the old highway, Loz. If he is with him, perhaps they are there."

"Kadaj goes to Midgar?"

"Yeah, why not? He's not committing a crime. The city fascinated him. It's interesting looking around at the old ruins. It is rather majestic. I hear you also like the city. You three can't hide secrets from me. You like Aerith's old church, Kadaj likes the old highway, and Loz likes that old place that people avoided because of the fiends. I showed them pictures of the ruins and they have been obsessed ever since. The two of them go there three times a week. I'm not too concerned about their whereabouts, since it's not a new thing. You go look, but you're going to miss a good laugh when Reno hits butt first on the bar floor. You do you."

"Fine, I'm on my way. If they aren't back in an hour, I'm going to go look for them."


The two of us hung up as I got on my motorcycle, headed towards Tifa's Bar.