Glossary (Spoilers)

Level System:

Lv 1-10 : Awake : Yellow Energy

Lv 11-20: Elite : Cyan Energy

Lv 21-30 : Magnate : Green Energy

Lv 31-40 : Titled : Red Energy

Lv 41-50 : Noble : Indigo Energy

Lv 51-60 : Royal : Violet Energy

Lv 61-70 : Prince : Black Energy

Lv 71-80 : King : White Energy

Lv 81-90 : Emperor : Silver Energy

Skill System:

These skills were divided into 9 ranks. Starting from Yellow Rank, Cyan Rank, Green Rank, Red Rank, Violet Rank, Black Rank, White Rank, Silver Rank and Golden Rank.

Relationship between Skill and Levels(Energy Colors):

A colored skill has the potential of reaching a Maximum level, which falls within its energy color bracket.

For, example... A yellow rank skill can only allow a person to reach Lv 10, while a cyan rank skill can allow one to reach Lv 20 at max.

More information will be added as the story continues...