Chapter 63: Leo

"Didn't you say your name was Aiden?" Yuji asked with a frown. He clearly remembered that the guy had introduced himself like Leo in the Colosseum. Yet, he was now saying that name was something else.

"Ahh..Actually...umn…Leo is my nickname.."


Yuji stared at him. That was definitely suspicious, just who in their right mind would introduce themselves with their nickname instead of the real name.

Did it make sense?

"You are that 'Aiden Silver'?" Biggie asked with surprise plastered all over his face. "Are you the son of the Thunder Hero, Edgar Silver?"

The Big guy was in Leo's year as well. It was obvious if he recognized him. And, his words immediately reminded other people about him as well.

Everyone's eyes constricted on hearing that name, and they turned their gazes at Leo. It was not everyday that one would see a guy like him, entering a low level club like theirs. I mean there were certainly weirdoes around, but they hadn't heard about any of Edgar's sons being one.