Chapter 72: The Scary Librarian

"Where am I?" Leo muttered, feeling a strange feeling all over his body. It was as if something heavy was weighing down on him. He couldn't even move an inch of his body. 

"You don't have much time. The Will that was supposed to help you ascend to the throne has been used. The path ahead will be further difficult…"

A mysterious and profound voice suddenly sounded in Leo's ears. It definitely belonged to a man. But, he couldn't tell anything else about it.

"Who is this? Who is talking?'' Leo tried to open his eyes, but it wasn't working. He couldn't even lift his eyelids.

'Grow up fast as the time is running out my successor….'

The voice began to fade away as the heavy sensation around Leo's body began to disappear along with it too.

"Wait! Are you the man behind the legacy?!!'' Leo screamed, but it was no use. The voice was no longer returning.

Dean's Office.

Valen sat on his chair and seemed to be in deep thought. After all, something very strange happened today.