Chapter 74: This Has To Be A Joke

Two people entered the Infirmary, and both were someone that Leo was meeting for the first time. And, if he wasn't wrong, one of the men in that grey gown like robe was the Dean of the Academy.

As for the other person, he seemed a bit familiar yet unfamiliar. Leo was sure that he didn't know him. But, had seen his picture somewhere when he was researching about Gloria.

'Where did I see him?' He muttered inwardly in confusion while looking at the man.

The man seemed to feel Leo's gaze and just returned it with a smile.

This man was standing there in a casual sweat pants and sweat shirts. It was as if he owned the place. His hair had a slight dark blue shade to it with a little purple mixed within. At first glance, he really made people feel a bit weird, but his smile soon made them neglect it all.

"Are you two fine?" The Dean asked, looking at Leo and Harry.