Chapter 80: It's Not Over Yet

"I see," The Dean muttered with a frown as Leo told him about everything that had happened. And, he sure didn't seem happy about it.

"Since you are already aware about the identity of Zests. I would like to inform you regarding something very important."

Leo could feel the heaviness in Dean's voice. There was definitely something serious.

"You two came across a One Eyed Zest, right?"

Leo nodded. He remembered that creature had only one eye. There was no way he was going to forget that thing this soon.

"According to the data we have, it was actually two of them in those jars."

Leo's eyes dilated upon hearing those words. If there were two of them then where was the other one? They had only faced one of the two. In that case, the other one…


The silence was all Leo needed to understand what was going on here. He couldn't help but break in sweat at the mere thought of it.