Chapter 89: Rejection

"I need to talk to you." Rebecca looked at Leo with dead serious eyes. It didn't seem like Leo would be getting away with any kind of excuse.


Leo began to break out in sweat feeling the glares from all around. He was having a bad feeling about it. He felt that if he refused her, then something might happen in public places which would not go down well for him.

In the end, he just gave her a little nod.

Rebecca proceeded to drag Leo along with her all through out the hallway. It didn't seem she was planning to let go of his hand. This immediately made Leo's face pale. And as expected, the moment they passed through, the students couldn't help but give them a surprised look.

[What is she thinking-nya!!] Aiden on the other hand was going mad as well. He knew that what she was doing was going to come back and bite her one day. She was after all the Princess of the Nation.