Chapter 95: Beginning of Troubles

"That really was hilarious…" Spike let out a laugh while holding his stomach. He was literally dying from it. "You should have seen that cocky guy clenching his fist while walking down the hallway…"

Leo sat there with a dark face as others more or less were smiling or had a weird look on their faces.

"I didn't think you were so savage.." Nora looked at Leo, she was a bit surprised honestly.

"I told you I didn't know that the paper bag had such a meaning behind it." Leo retorted with a sigh. He had been getting disdainful gazes all around ever since the matter had spread around.

Why were things never going his way?

"Where is Runeko by the way?" Nora suddenly asked, looking around. "I haven't seen her these past couple of days."

The rest of the guys didn't seem to have any idea as well. After all, Runeko was the only first year in the club. So, there was no one who shared any classes with her here.