Chapter 112: Runeko's Situation

"Runeko.." Amelia stepped into the room with a frown on her face. The room was all dark. There was only a dim light in the room due to the sun shining outside.

'Why are the lights not on?' Amelia thought inwardly as she tried to make things around. She clearly had heard Runeko's voice earlier yet no one was coming forward now. Something was definitely odd here.

"Hmmn?" Ameli suddenly turned around feeling something behind her, but she couldn't find anything. 'Am I imagining things?'

In the end, she shook her head, and then called out to Runeko once again, "Where are you, Runeko?"

She then turned around and tried to find the switches. She knew that the structure of the Dorm rooms were all the same. So, she had an idea where the stitches were.

'It should be somewhere around here?'

Unbeknownst to her, a shadow was creeping up on her.

It was quietly sneaking on her and it's body was wriggling in a strange manner. It didn't seem anything like a humanoid creature.