Chapter 144: Golden Crown Academy

"It seems the rumours were true?"

A voice entered Leo's ear, and he turned around to see Quinton walk into the class with a few other students. These not only included the students of his own section but others as well.

A few students who could be considered to be at the top of their classes seemed to have come as well. They were most likely here to find more about the situation. It seemed the attacks that had occurred were no longer a secret to anyone.

The students of Class F immediately glared at Quinton the moment he entered the room. But, the one who was in the lead was Rebecca.

No one dared to do anything with her leading the group. It was most likely that people had just allowed her to walk forward, rather than her leading all of them here.

"What's going on?" Rebecca looked at Leo, who seemed to be the person in the lead. At least that is how it appeared.