His Last Words

Derek stood outside the intensive care unit.

His face was cold and gloomy.

The tears on Lauren's face were dried. Seeing Derek like that, she immediately pulled his arm.

"Derek, your father, hasn't told you about the will yet. He asked Ernest in and may talk something about that with Ernest. You should enter and have a look," Lauren whispered.

She was worried that others would hear her, so she did not dare to raise her voice.

Derek turned to glance at Lauren with his cold eyes. But he didn't respond and move.

Lauren saw that Derek was indifferent. She planned to come in by herself but was stopped by Marcel.

It was Dalton's secretary.

Lauren glared at Marcel, "You dare to stop me?"

"Mrs. Maynard, Mr. Dalton only allowed Mr. Ernest to come in. Other people need to wait for the order."

"Other people? I am his wife!" Lauren roared.