I Don't Want the Property

President Office, the Saint Group

Hayden and Ernest came into the building from the back door secretly, going into the President's Office directly.

Derek was busy working when they came in. He had been keeping vigil beside the coffin for six days, and many backlogs needed to be cleared.

"Harden, leave us alone."

"Yes, Mr. Derek." Harden walked out and closed the door.

"Uncle, what do you want to see me about?" Ernest walked up to Derek.

"Come and sit here," Derek said as he set his pen aside and looked up.

Ernest sat opposite Derek.

"Before your grandfather's death, he asked you to his room. What did he say to you?"

Ernest suddenly became nervous. He also guessed that it would be this matter, "He didn't say anything. Just mentioned my mother, then he was hopeless. "


"Well, if I lie to you, I will pay for it!" Ernest immediately raised his hand to swear. Anyway, he did not believe in such things.