The Twins Escape

Serina glanced at her and pushed the door a crack.

"Blueberry, Cherry, run!" she shouted.

A gunshot went off.

Serina knelt on the ground as a sharp pain shot through her calf.

Blood seeped down the bullet hole.

"Blueberry, take Cherry! Run!"

Cherry was scared out of her wits when she heard the gunshot. She started crying again.

Blueberry stayed calm. "Mommy!"

"Don't worry about me, go! Take Cherry and go! Hurry!" Serina urged.

Blueberry was only three and a half years old and didn't experience a lot. She was also frightened.

She also didn't know what to do.

Zoe, who rested and ate well, quickly caught up.

Seeing Blueberry freeze, Serina struggled to stand up and pushed Blueberry. "Blueberry, quick! Take Cherry! Go out to call people. Go!"

"Serina, stop! Or I'll aim at your daughters!"

Zoe shouted as she ran.

Serina pushed the twins out of the door. "Blueberry, now!"

Blueberry glanced at Serina, held Cherry's hand, and ran out.

Serina grabbed Zoe around the middle.