Get In the Car

Audrey's front and rear paths were blocked, and they all had a stick in their hands.

They were going to teach her a lesson!

After she returned to Peace City, other than the Four Seasons Group, she did not offend anyone else.

It was Julian's way to ask people to pick on her.

Audrey smiled as she looked at the crowd in front of her.

"Please move aside. You guys are blocking my path."

One of them sneered at Audrey, "You are Audrey, aren't you?"

"That's right. It's me."

"Well, beat her!"

As soon as that person gave the order, the surrounding people swarmed towards Audrey to attack her.

Audrey calmly looked at the people around her, and slightly narrowed her eyes.

She had already reminded them just now. But they still rushed over ignorantly, so they shouldn't blame her for being impolite.