Lance's People

The driver sent Audrey to the Golden Hotel in Pine City and left, saying that Luis would contact her tonight.

With fine environment, Golden Hotel was a five-star hotel in Pine City. In the garden of the hotel, there was a 100-year-old wisteria tree. The tree vines winded along the steel brackets, and clusters of purple flowers hung on the vines, like purple waterfalls. It was beautiful and magnificent. Many tourists took photos there.

Audrey prepared to put her luggage in the hotel room and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the wisteria tree.

Just as she finished checking in and was about to head towards the guest room, she saw a familiar car parked outside the hotel. The doorman opened the car door and a man with straight figure walked out of the car.

The moment she saw that person, Audrey narrowed her eyes nervously. Without thinking, she dragged the suitcase and hid behind the counter.

Seeing that Audrey was hiding, the staff at the counter revealed a surprised expression.