You Don't Have to Do this

She coughed lightly.

"Mr. Bryson, my clothes are so dirty now. We'd better keep some distance."

"I'm also going back to my room now!" Bryson still held Audrey's wrist. He extended his arm and pressed the button on the elevator behind her.

Audrey didn't know what to say or do.

"Mr. Bryson, our rooms aren't on the same floor, right?" Audrey said, trying to remind him.

Bryson glanced at her and did not say anything. He directly went in the elevator with her.

'Forget it. It's just taking the same elevator.'

But when she walked out of the elevator on the 16th floor, Bryson walked out, too.

Seeing Bryson follow her toward her room, Audrey was so awkward that she stopped.

"Mr. Bryson, I can go back to my room myself. You don't have to do this!"

It was too much for her to take.

Bryson still didn't say anything.

Audrey was really confused.

She could only turn around, braced herself and walked towards her room.