Golden Couple

Bryson's words exploded in Audrey's brain. Then her mind went blank.

Her heart started pounding.

"You must be joking!" Audrey blurted out.

"Do I look like I'm joking?"

Audrey was lost for words.

It sounded like a joke to her when he didn't look like joking!

Bryson's gaze was so passionate that Audrey felt like burning inside.

She hastily turned her head away.

She cleared her throat and said lowly, "Mr. Bryson, I told you earlier. I'm in no mood for forming a relationship."

"I know."

Then his words found her speechless.

Audrey could refuse any other man without hesitation, but Bryson…

Firstly, Bryson was not an ordinary man. He was the wealthiest in Peace City. Marring him equaled marrying a rich life. Therefore, being his wife had become the dream of countless women.

Second, it would be a lot easier to take her revenge if she became Bryson's woman. She didn't have to take others' particular looks. All she needed to do was begging her husband for some help.