Loving You Day

"Have you been waiting for long?" Bryson sat down opposite Audrey.

When Bryson sat down, Audrey followed suit.

"No, I wandered around and just came up."

Bryson looked at the ground.

"What were you laughing at just now?"

Audrey's bright eyes blinked, "Someone put his phone into his pocket a few times, but his phone always dropped. Later, he felt his pocket and discovered that was a hole."

Bryson slightly curled his lips, "I see."

The waiter walked in and placed the menu in front of them.

Waiter, "Sir, Miss, are you two a couple?"

Seeing that Audrey and Bryson both cast doubtful gazes at him, the waiter explained with a smile.

"Well, sir, miss, today is the Loving You Day. There is a lottery in our restaurant. Only couples can participate. If you win the prize, you can have the meal for free."

For free?

Audrey blurted out, "Yes, we are!"

Waiter, "Alright, I'll sign you up. After you order, someone will come to you and tell you what to do."
