Scenic Spots

Audrey went to the court to deal with the follow-up matters of the cases. When she walked out of the court, it was only nine o'clock. She told the outcome of the trial to Luis and then made a call to Bryson.

Bryson had just finished his work.

When Audrey was waiting for him outside the courthouse, a woman passed her.

And there was a person following behind.

"No matter what, my brother should be bailed today." She stated with a gloomy look.

Audrey gave her a sidelong glance.

This woman was dressed in a long dusty pink dress with her long hair drooping her waist. Judging from her figure, she should be a graceful beauty.

Audrey did not think too much and just walked forward.

Not long after, Bryson's car arrived.

After getting on the car, Audrey introduced Bryson the scenic spots of the Pine City.