It's Fine If Mr. Bryson Doesn't Get Mad

In the Cordova Tower.

At 7:40 the next morning, Audrey got off the car opposite the Tower.

Just as she was about to walk on the sidewalk, her cell phone rang.

After crossing the sidewalk, she checked the message.

It was from Freddy.

Freddy: Are you there? Don't be late!

Yesterday, she called him to explain that she did not go to the law firm because of she caught a cold. He criticized her in an ironic tone, blaming her for absence from work for no reason upon being praised.

Shortly after, she told him that she had called the Cordova Group as she was about to serve as its consulting lawyer the next day.

Freddy immediately changed his attitude, saying that she should have a good rest since she was sick, and asked her to rest early in the evening to prepare for the negotiations next day.

Early in the morning, he called her at six o'clock, urging her to get up quickly and go to his law firm to get the contract before going to the Cordova Tower.