Say That Again?

When Audrey left in the morning, Madam Cordova said to her.

"Elliana, don't forget to look for someone suitable for your brother at the party. Also, if there is someone fine for you, don't let it slip. After all, it's still okay if you can get married before your brother. Do you hear me?"

Audrey replied, "..."

"Got it, Grandma."

Originally, it was only Bryson who should go to the party, but Madam Cordova was really worried that the boy would ruin her plan as usual. After all, of all the blind dates she arranged for Bryson, he could always find an excuse to escape.

But if this girl could be there, it would not be so easy for Bryson to run away.

Audrey could not refuse the request so she had to promise that she would be there with Bryson.

"I've already sent someone to deliver your clothes to the hotel beforehand. And you can directly ask the hotel manager for them."
