Turn the Tables


Why did Blair have this picture? If that was the case...

Some netizens soon recognized the person in the photo.

Those who scolded Blair before suddenly changed their attitude.

"Oh my God, what did I see? Blair was forced to be Jacob's lover!"

"Jacob was instructed to do so. He even drugged Blair. It was despicable."

"Oh my God! The person in the photo is Wendy, isn't it?"

Then, soon it was confirmed that it was Wendy after comparing the images carefully.

Wendy shook her head and shouted loudly, "Turn off the screen! Turn it off!"

A reporter at present recognized the person.

"Miss Stanton, she looks like Wendy. Am I right?"

A reporter with a cap explained, "It was so blurry. She just looks like Wendy. "

Blair was dumbfounded after seeing it.

She thought that she had found her true love. Since she had slept with Jacob, they had kept an improper relationship.

Now, she realized that Jacob was instructed by Wendy.

She was very angry.

She couldn't wait to smash Wendy.