I Can't Make Time

That afternoon, just as Audrey returned to the law firm, her phone rang.

"Hello, who is it?" Audrey picked up the phone and walked towards her seat.

"Ms. Elliana, it's me!" Alex sounded a little disappointed. He wasn't happy that Audrey didn't keep his phone number.

Audrey instantly recognized Alex's voice.

She frowned with a hint of disgust on her face but still said with a smile.

"So it's Mr. Alex." Audrey asked casually, "How are you? I've always wanted to see you in the hospital, but because the law firm is too busy, I haven't made time."

Alex's voice softened a little.

"The matter in your law firm is more important. I'm fine. I've been discharged from the hospital, so I called you immediately."

"That's great. Now that you're fine, I'm relieved."

Since Alex didn't receive a phone call from Audrey during the few days he was hospitalized, he assumed that Audrey might not be interested in him. Now hearing Audrey's caring words, Alex regained a surge of hope inwardly.