You Are Not Madam Cordova's Granddaughter

Alma knew that they had gone to the Jade Water Lake, so she must have known that Audrey had won a date with Bryson.

Alma was up to no good.

When Audrey and Bryson came into the room, Bryson's phone rang. Bryson picked it up and walked straight to the stairs.

"I'm going upstairs. Send me the data."

After saying this, Bryson turned to Audrey. "I'll go up first."

Audrey nodded.

Kylee said unhappily, "Bryson, why are you going upstairs after coming back? Miss Alma is here."

Alma waved her hand. "It doesn't matter, Madam Cordova. Mr. Bryson has something to do. It must be very important."

"You are so sweet." Kylee looked at Alma lovingly.

Alma smiled shyly.

"Elliana, come over and sit with Alma. I'm going upstairs and taking the medicine."

"Grandma, I know where your medicine is. I'll get it for you!" Audrey said.

Kylee refused. "I could go by myself. I have been sitting for a long time. I want to walk around. You can chat with Alma."

"Sure!" Audrey said.