This Is the Last Time

Audrey walked aimlessly.

"Is it here? But it doesn't like the place where Dick lives. Are you sure?" Audrey muttered.

Bryson was speechless.

Bryson immediately grabbed Audrey's arm and spoke.

"Not that way."

Audrey blinked and stared at Bryson. She wondered whether Bryson knew the place.

Bryson pulled her into the house next to them. There was a well in the house, and they were about to approach the well.

Audrey quickly stopped Bryson and said nervously.

"Wait, wait a moment!"

Bryson looked back at her and asked, "Anything wrong?"

Audrey looked at Bryson with a wry smile on her face, trying hard to prevent Bryson from approaching the well.

It was an ancient well. According to historical records, many beauties had died from falling into the well.

Would Bryson push her into the well?

She believed that Bryson would do anything to force her to admit her mistakes.