Bryson's Girl

Audrey touched her forehead.

"Quentin, what are you thinking about?"

Harold said with a straight face, "Audrey, I'm thinking for you. You have to grasp a good man like Bryson. I will stand on your side."

Audrey was speechless.

"Don't speak nonsense."

"Audrey, don't tell me you and Bryson never slept."

Audrey blushed.

Are people nowadays all so open?

"What are you talking about? Go study. Don't bother me!" Audrey reprimanded.

"I'm twenty-two. I'm already an adult. Don't always treat me like a child!"

Audrey was speechless.

"Nonetheless, I won't go back tonight. Don't eat junk food at dinner."

"I know! I'm hanging up."

After hanging up the phone, Audrey looked at the phone warmly.

She also knew she had protected Harold way too far after finding him.

Quentin was only three when he was kidnapped. Audrey had always treated him as a child. She was always worried that he would leave her again.

She felt that she had not protected him well enough.