It Was Indeed Precious

The person walking towards them was George. However, there was another woman with him. She looked beautiful and cute. George and the woman walked together, talking and laughing.

The most important thing was ... that beautiful woman was holding George by the arm. They looked very intimate.

If Audrey remembered correctly, George seemed to be attending an event at a hotel across the Game Hall.

'Nataly was fine, but after she entered the Game Hall, her mood changed subtly.' Audrey thought, 'Maybe she had seen something.'

Both Audrey and Nell turned their eyes to Nataly from George and the woman.

As they expected, the next second, Nataly's face stiffened and she clenched her hands.

Seeing so, Audrey and Nell exchanged a glance.

Nataly's reaction had told them the answer.

Nell blinked at Audrey. Audrey understood the message quickly. She took a few steps forward and waved at George from afar.

"Mr. George!"