The Person You Offend Is Too Powerful

Ever since Audrey helped Blair win the lawsuit, many people came to her for their lawsuits. Audrey was busy dealing with the lawsuit and the affairs as a legal consultant in the Cordova Group. Time passed quickly.

This afternoon, Audrey went to the Cordova Group as usual. After handling some matters, she left.

Bryson had gone to another city to sign a contract and won't come back to Peace City until night. Audrey had not seen him.

As soon as she left the Cordova Tower, her phone rang.

Looking at the number on the phone, Audrey immediately picked it up.

"Hello, Maria, what's wrong?"

A cry came from the phone.

"Audrey, Audrey..."

Audrey tensed up her back and had a bad feeling in her heart.

"Maria, don't cry. Just say it slowly."