No Possible Turnaround

Blair clenched her fists, staring at Audrey, "Wendy and I turned against each other because someone used my account to publicize her scandals. It was you who did that, right?"

Audrey smiled and admitted, "Yes!"

Hearing this, Blair closed her eyes helplessly.

As she expected, Audrey did that. She almost forgot it because she won over Wendy at the press conference after they turned against and broke up with each other.

Recalling the whole story, she got shocked into a cold sweat.

Since the first meeting, Audrey had been scheming against her step by step. Now ... she had finally fallen into the trap Audrey had set up and couldn't see any possible turnaround.

After answering Blair, Audrey left.

Blair stared at Audrey's back blankly.

She regretted what she had done. Why had she promised Wendy to call Audrey's grandmother, thus resulting in her grandmother's car accident? If she had not made that call, the Stanton family would not have ended in such a sorry state.