I Never Joke About Relationships

Linda noticed Grace's embarrassment. After Audrey and the others left, she worriedly grabbed Grace's hand.

Grace threw herself into Linda's arms, feeling wronged. "Aunty."

Linda patted Grace on the back. "Grace, don't be sad. I know you like Bryson. Don't worry. I will find a chance to introduce you to him."

"Yes." Grace's mood eased a little. She pushed Linda away and said fiercely, "That woman, Nataly, is really amazing. She bewitched my cousin and even seduced him.

At the mention of her son, Linda frowned and her anger rose.

On the surface, Nataly said that she had nothing to do with her son, but in the end... she seduced him. Even if George had pulled Nataly away, it was still Nataly who deluded him. She was indeed a duplicitous woman.

Thinking of this, Linda had an idea in her heart.


On the other side, Nataly was pulled by George into his car.

Nataly was just about to get out of the car when George quickly locked the car up and closed the door.