Bar Association Has Its Rules

Afternoon, the Munn's villa.

Wendy kept making calls in the villa.

When she received a call, Wendy asked happily.

"How was it? Did the Bar Association agree?"

A rough male voice came from the other side, "Miss Wendy, I'm sorry. Mr. Braylon didn't agree!"

"What? He didn't agree?" Wendy clenched the phone in her hand tightly and said through gritted teeth, "Tell Mr. Braylon, I will agree to whatever price as long as he agrees to let Audrey be my lawyer."

The man was kind of impatient. "Miss Wendy, Mr. Braylon said that the Bar Association has its rules. We can't break the rules of the Bar Association just for one person."

Wendy was furious. "Then tell Mr. Braylon to pick up the phone. I will tell him myself!"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Braylon has an important guest today. He can't answer your call. If Miss Wendy has nothing else to say, I will hang up now!"

"I want Mr. Braylon to answer the phone!"

Wendy had just finished speaking when the other side hung up the phone.