Challenge Bryson

When she saw the result of the shot, Audrey's face instantly turned red.

She was very smart and knew what Bryson meant by the ten shots.

Fortunately, those soldiers only cared about the results and did not count the numbers, so for the time being, no one understood that Bryson was confessing to her.

However, Harold's injured expression showed that he understood.

After announcing the ranking, Audrey took the water from Harold and took a sip.

Harold could not help but complain to Audrey, "Dear Audrey, can I ask you for something?"

"What is it?"

"You and Bryson can show off your love, but can you not show off so crazily?"

Audrey smiled and looked at him. "Sure, but you have to talk to Bryson personally about this."



Harold muttered, "Forget it then."

It was obvious that Bryson would never agree to it.

After drinking some water, Audrey returned to Bryson's side. When she met Bryson's gaze, Audrey felt a bit shy.