Bryson's Trick

At noon, Audrey, Bryson and Harold went out for lunch.

After the competition, Harold's admiration for Bryson increased by another level. In his mind, Bryson was like a god.

Although Audrey was very strong in all aspects, Bryson was much stronger than Audrey in all aspects.

Especially after Bryson defeated John, he looked at the crowd and asked if there was anyone else who wanted to compete with him but no one dared. He looked really domineering.

When they arrived at a restaurant, they went to the private room. Seeing that Bryson was about to sit down, Harold hurriedly pulled the chair for Bryson. His expression and behavior were extremely flattering, making Audrey feel embarrassed.

Bryson enjoyed Harold's service and sat down on the chair.

After he sat down, Harold placed the menu in Bryson's hands.

"Bryson, order the food."

Audrey sat next to Bryson, her stomach rumbling with hunger. Before she picked up the menu, she said to the waiter, "I want one..."