You Can Marry Me Now

After hanging up the phone, Audrey gathered up her things and went downstairs.

At a street corner not far from the building, Bryson's car was parked there. Audrey quickly walked to the car, opened the door, and got in.

Bryson then started the car.

Bryson picked up his phone and made a call.

"Hello, Mom."

"Yes, I have picked her up. You can also prepare to set off."

Audrey was shocked.

Did Bryson call his mother just now? When she realized that she would meet Bryson's parents in a while, Audrey was so nervous that her heart was almost in her mouth.

She accidentally glanced at the rearview mirror and saw the driver of the car behind them.

Noticing that Audrey was staring at the rearview mirror, Bryson asked, "What's wrong?"

Audrey said, "It's Santon. He can't find Liana and came to our company. I thought he had left, but I didn't expect that he hasn't given up yet."

"I'll get someone to deal with him!"