You Know Him, Don't You?

A name suddenly occurred to Audrey: Cane

When she and Harold were eating outside before, Harold had been staring at the picture on the billboard. At that time, the name on the billboard was indeed Cane, and... he was the winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

When she got home, she actually wanted to find out who Cane was. However, because she was going to meet Bryson's parents the next day and she was too busy, she forgot about this matter.

Now when she thought about it, she was really a sister who had neglected her duties and had forgotten about this matter.

Thinking of this, she immediately went to the study and entered Cane's name in the browser of the computer.

Among the options of Cane, she saw the words: the winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine, and she clicked on it.

After clicking on it, there appeared the encyclopedia to introduce Cane. The first thing she saw was a photo of Cane.