A Lamb to a Slaughter

The next day, news came from the prison. Because there wasn't enough evidence for his crime, Lance was allowed to be bailed out. Bryson, Audrey, Raye, and a few of Lance's subordinates went to the prison entrance to welcome him.

While waiting for Lance, Raye and his brothers were anxiously pacing back and forth at the prison entrance.

They kept discussing.

"Why hasn't Mr. Lance come out yet?"

"Yeah, didn't you say that he would be released at four o'clock in the afternoon? It's already 3:57. Why is there no movement at all?"

Raye held his head in frustration.

"Can't you guys be quiet? It's not even four o'clock yet. What's the rush? What's the rush?"

"We just miss Mr. Lance."

"That's right, that's right. Boss has been locked up for two days. We all miss him."

Raye wanted to say that he missed Mr. Lance, too.

Just as he was thinking about it, it was four o'clock. At the same time, the prison door creaked open from the inside.