I Won’t Be Kind to Him

Bryson took a phone call when Audrey, Harold, and he were on their way back.

It was from the bodyguard who stayed near the cabin.

He told Bryson that Cane got the pieces of paper from the cabin.

After Bryson finished the phone call, Harold said, "I know it is him!"

Audrey looked at Bryson doubtfully, "Bryson, Did you know that Cane was watching us nearby when you indicated Quentin not to write out the real formula?"

"At that time, the three kidnappers knew our location. Moreover, they called us just after Quentin finished writing the formula. It should not be a coincidence. Therefore, I guessed Cane could not completely trust these kidnappers and was watching us near the cabin."

Harold said happily, "If Bryson hadn't reminded me, I'm afraid I would have written down the real formula."

"Cane now probably doesn't know that the formula he got is fake."