Bryson Tries to Snatch People

The smile on Julian's face disappeared because of Harold's words.

Not working with the Four Seasons Group?

Julian looked at Harold's face and his heart was filled with anger. However, in front of the media, he could not show his anger. He clenched his fists and suppressed his anger. Julian smiled at Harold and continued, "Harold, if you are willing to cooperate with the Four Seasons Group, we can lower the price. Moreover, our Four Seasons Group sincerely wants to cooperate with you. Moreover, if you plan to spread the sisplatin throughout the country, only the Four Seasons Group has the strength to do so in the entire Peace City."

Just as Julian finished speaking, a voice came from the door.

"Oh? Mr. Julian means that in the entire Peace City, only the Four Seasons Group has the ability to promote sisplatin?"